Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I know, I know, it's been a very long time since my last post, but I'm nursing a completely shattered nervous system here, so give me some slack. This may come as a surprise to some of you, but I don't really have any confidants here in Vancouver. Now don't get your panties in a bunch, I do have a few friends, but nobody that I would be comfortable confiding the details of my relationship/frustrations/pissed offedness, etc. with. Either everyone I know is a wife of Greg's friend, or co-worker of his OR I don't know the person well enough to complain to without them thinking that I'm married to a complete beast. Anywho, because I don't have a local confidante I've been slowly going insane for the last few years and the kids ramping up their fighting isn't doing me any favors either. So, as any "normal" woman going crazy would do, I've decided to vent my frustrations by painting the house, inside, from bottom to top. This is in no way adding to my agitation (YEAH RIGHT!) what with my having to roll on three coats of paint to coat the ridiculously textured walls thouroughly. Why am I so STUPID???? Before you comment about the cost of paint, I would like to point out that I already had the painting utensils and my parents have tons of paint in their garage that I'm using, so I've only spend $14 on the project (needed a drop cloth and an extra nappy roller head). Hmmm, that's my new insult "you extra nappy roller head!!!!" although I should be careful where I say that, I might lose my radio show (a nod to Don Imus). So on top of my busy summer schedule of swim lessons, day camps, tutoring and regular responsibilities, I somehow thought painting the house would "RELAX" me? Who am I kidding. Anyone want to come over and help me paint and listen to me bitch? OK, now for those of you who are interested, I've started a new yahoo group called "I'm mad at my husband because... if you're interested in joining just do it and we can support eachother, the only rule is that there are NO BOYS ALLOWED!

Ok, we went to Vegas last week and it took a long time to drive there. I would never drive again, it's not really worth it if you're only staying for two nights, but it was a fun road trip nonetheless. The Gas for our half was $100, the food was $100 (went to the grocery store so we only ate out for dinner) and we spent $200 gambling. Not to bad, although there were some suveniers so the final tab was a little higher, but not too shabby. Since I've been shopping at the Grocery Outlet (I saved $190 on my last visit & only spend $156) we've been able to make the $$$$ stretch farther. Greg has been working a ton of overtime (thank you Multnomah County) so hopefully we'll be able to knock out more debt. I can't wait for school to start!!! I love the kids, but having them 24/7 is really exhausting, I can't wait for next week so they'll all be in day camp at the Oregon Zoo!! Mia will finally be able to go this year for the first time and she's only half days, but Kay & Emma have been going for years and they're full time (woohoo!!!). In a couple of years Emma will be a Zoo Teen and she'll spend her summers volunteering to work at the zoo. As much as I love the summer weather, I'm ready for the fighting to end. As I sit here and type this Kayleigh is telling Mia to lay down so she can punch her, if Mia does it then I'm concerned for her level of smarts. Ah the joys of having a hyper aggressive child.

Well, that's been my life in a semi-brief post, I'm off to put the furniture back in the play/dining room, it just dried. Oh, I failed to mention that we turned the dining room into an office and put the dining table in the "play room" so now it has a great room vibe. So much to do, so little time. I'll post some pics soon.

Oh, most importantly, I'm going to CA in a few weeks, I can't wait!!!! I need time with my old school girls who know the real me. Sharon & Kim, get the martini shaker ready, I'll need a few stiff drinks to get the vacation started.
