Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm back!

Hiya all, sorry it's been a few days since my last post, but I was very tired. It was a very busy first week back at school, getting used to the crazy schedule again was very exhausting. ALSO, I was getting over a very terrible cold, wah, wah, whiney, wah.

So down to business now; I just have to say that I had a very deflating thought the other night. I was all bragy and smart alecky about how well we're doing and then I said to myself, "self, you're so lame, it's only day 10!" then I sat down and cried (not really because I'm a heartless shrew with no tear ducts). Man, it seems like so much longer than only 13 days now, this is a lot of work! I'm beginning to think that those of you who voted that we'll only make it four months may be right (this is the part where you all make lots of comments with encouraging words about how inspiring, funny and don't forget beautiful I am. Mention how my eyes sparkle like pools of green mossy water, that's so romantical). Yeah, so I'm begging shamelessly for support, it's not like that's the first time people.

We went bowling last night, because that's how we roll, and it was fun, yet difficult. I wanted fries, NOW. The poor kids are used to getting a kids meal whenever we go and although I fed them before we left, they're like Pavlovian dogs, as soon as they got there they were hungry. I packed a huge tub of popcorn and some drinks for them, but poor Mia just didn't understand why she couldn't have what she wanted. In the end she survived, but it was not easy.As soon as the bowl athon was over (I sucked major eggs, my one old lady foot was hurting me) we came home and baked up some tater fries, and it was good.

No I'm going to confess something to you all: We took the kids out for breakfast. Before you lay down your wrath of judgement upon us I would like the chance to explain. On Sunday the girls had their postponed performance of the Christmas pageant and it was soooo GREAT!!! Mia was a cow in the manger, Kayleigh was an angel and Emma was apparently going for the pre-teen, I'm too cool for this so I'll refuse to wear a costume and stand out like a sore thumb with my street clothes and pink hair (yes, she has pink hair. I'll post a pic later) while I pretend to barely mumble the words, member of the chior. So when I was a young lass my parents would take us out for a celebration meal whenever we would perform and I wanted to do the same thing for my children. We took Nonnie to Elmers (kinda like the Country Inn for your California readers) for a wonderful meal. That, my fair readers, is why we broke our vow for one morning and treated the family to a meal outside the house.

My next order of business is this: I know you're all on the edge of your seats to see if I got the espresso machine and the answer is YEEEESSSSSSSSSS! It's nothing fancy, but it makes my morning so much better. Like this morning, I had to wake up at 5:30AM to let my little friend Noah in (I watch him on Tuesdays) and it was soooo dark and cold and icky, then I remembered that I have a machine to make my happy morning juice and I was happy. As I type I have my travel mug filled with the stuff. The sad part of the story is that I still have to work a couple more hours to pay the thing off. Why is it that even a ghetto machine was $50???? Oh well, it's worth every penny and I definitely appreciate it more than I would have if I had bought it before.

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