Friday, March 20, 2009

Oh man, I just went back and read the very first blog entry from waaaaay back in January! Was I naive or what? I actually said we weren't going to spend "on dime on non necessary things"! I almost wet my pants laughing at that, it's only been 2 &3/4 months and we've already broken that so many times I can't count!! So maybe I should amend that statement, I should say that we are going to TRY like the dickins not to spend one dime that's not necessary. I was soooo smug all those weeks ago with my silly little ideals, now that I'm jaded to the real world of temptation and self control, I'm not having as much fun. Wah! I made the HUGE mistake of opening the Bath and Body Works email today, I usually just delete them, but I was weak my friends. I swear the evil voice in my head was telling me that two large candles for $20 is a great deal (really, it is, they're $19.50 each!). I suddenly NEEDED some wall flower refills and some room spray and some lotion and shower gel, etc... I think you get the point. I simply MUST stop looking at these emails, I suppose I should opt out of getting them, but darn it, I like the torture of being a lookee lewis.

Now, I have to share some horrors with you. I was doing some research on Aspartame, the artificial sweetner in all diet products and you should know that it's poison, literally! It turns into formaldahyde when it gets over 86 degrees, I don't know about you, but I generally run about 12 degrees higher than that! Greg has been getting really sick lately, high blood sugar, poor vision, etc. and I believe it comes from all the diet soda he drinks. Please check out this website
( ) and make your own decision about it. I can tell you that my family will no longer be drinking diet soda, eating light yogurt and we'll be reading labels to make sure the products we buy don't contain this poison.

Stevia is a safe sugar substitute, its all natural and actually helps to level out the blood sugar level in diabetics. You can buy it at the health store and it will not slowly kill your family. I have no vested interest in whether you buy Stevia or not, I'm not a share holder in any companies, I just want you, my friends, to live and long and healthy life. It makes me sick that I've been feeding my family this poison for years, but at least I know now and will be pouring out any aspartame products that currently reside in my home.

Have a safe and happy weekend.



  1. Here's the link I told Greg about:
    (You might have to copy and paste that into your browser.)
    I'm not sure where the truth is in all of the mess, but I'm sure there is no nutritional value in aspartame. Whether or not it will kill ya, I don't know. Good for you for looking out for your family!

  2. I saw the snopes page and thought it mostly just said it was inconclusive so it deemed the rumor false without any real evidence. I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle, but I've found way more information that points toward it being a dangerous product, even if two percent of it is true it's not worth putting those chemicals in your body. I guess it's like smoking, those that do it know that it's poison and it kills, but they don't want to give it up and it's addictive so they keep on doing it.

  3. Sister thanks for the warning! This is yet another reason why I will not be dieting anytime soon.


  4. Thanks for giving me your yogurt that contains the aspartame in it!!!! I appreciate it.........
