Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Take a chance on me

Hiya folks, sorry it's been so long since my last post, but I've been on a strict ABBA Sing Star training kick. Yup, you better believe that I threw caution to the wind and bought the ABBA Sing Star game with the gift card Sharon gave me. Forget spending it on the exercise machine, I'll get that with my garage sale money! I knew it was meant to be when we went into Target and the ABBA game was on CLEARANCE!!!! Oh be still my heart, I haven't felt such euphoria in a while, it was a perfect trifecta of free money + Target + clearance dream item = HEAVEN!!! Now I sing Waterloo at the top of my lungs and pretend that it's only because of the game, before I always had it in my head. Of course Mia loooooooves Mamma Mia, she thinks it's her song, but she also loves Money Money Money, what do you think that says about her? Anywho, thank you Sharon, you have made me happier than I could ever have hoped to be from a gift. I'm sure Greg would like to thank you too, but I'm pretty sure it would be meant in a sarcastic manner since I make him sing with me, although I have yet to get him to sing Dancing Queen.

Now on to some serious business.... I have another equation for you: Adam + Greg + Whiskey = spending spree on guitar hero based video game items. I'm not gonna lie, he also bought me a Sing Star game, I suspect it's so Greg can point fingers at me as a benefiter of frivolity(this is a different game than ABBA). Yes I make up my own words to fit my needs, just accept it. Adam and Emily and the kids came over for dinner as well as Rebecca and Noah (don't want them to feel left out) and we had a lovely dinner. As is the norm, Emily and I started the Sing Star battle Royale, although if you ask me it's not really a battle, it's more of a massacre with me being the victor! POW! That was a royal BURN on Emily, it felt a little mean and great at the same time. OK, so anyway, Adam and Greg were doing manly samples of Whiskey and some other nasty things when all of a sudden it became urgent that Greg get another Guitar Hero guitar so he and Adam could live out their hair band dreams together in a Guitar battle. Of course Greg caught me in the middle of singing and when I'm in the zone I'm unaware of other things, I sound like an angelic version of Edward Hung (the scary guy from American Idol a few years back, if that's his name). Anywho I gave a disapproving look, but when Greg is full of the liquid courage and Adam is giggling maniacally, I know there's not much I can do. They shot out of the house like two bottle rockets, I think I even saw them skip a little, but no hand holding happened in our presence. Although they did come back with one of those BFF necklaces that's a heart broken into two pieces where one says Best and the other says Friends and they put them around their ankles.....hmmmmm. OK, so I'm lying about that part, but it's a beautiful vision to think about. So it's now been established that Greg is weak against Adams powers of shopping persuasion so are officially on Notice!

So this month we were able to pay $1,000 CASH to have my van fixed and we payed off my credit card completely so I would say that even with our bout of frivolous spending, we did pretty well. Granted most of the money came from our tax return, but it was our money none the less and in the past we would have used it to go on some fabulous vacation, so job well done to us! The time has come for me to take Mia to dance so I will end this, but if any of yoooos wants to challenge me to a sing off, I'm up for it! I'm now training on the Medium level of difficulty so it will be more of a challenge for me to slay you all.



  1. you have to bring your games to the Sharon-ton weekend. I will practice my Abba. We can get Susan to bring her extra guitars for Guitar Hero and we'll have SO MUCH FUN! And I think it's William Hung. Thanks for writing and making me smile at the end of my exhausting day.

  2. As long as they're wii games we're good!
