Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm back and worse for the wear

Hi Friends!!! I'm sorry it's been so long since my last update, I've been wallowing in self pity and high as a kite for the past three weeks, going on four!!!! I've been having dental issues which are causing me to want to start practicing dental procedures on myself with rusty tools from my garage. I'm going to tell you my tale of woe and how it dragged me down into the dregs of consumer madness. I want you to brace yourselves as you read my testimony of severe pain, vicodin and self pitying gluttony.

It all started two days before Easter, I had not been wearing my mouth guard at night to protect my teeth from my nightly grinding and my back tooth was really sore. Although is was kinda painful, I thought to myself "fabulous" (remember, that's what I call myself), anyway I thought "Fabulous, this might be a great diet for you, your mouth hurts so you don't really want to eat much and soon you shall be svelte AND fabulous!" well it was all downhill from there. Within two days my pain had gone from very sore to downright torture and a complete inability to chew anything and I couldn't open my mouth more than a few millimeters. I went from my normal cheery and wonderful self to an extremely pissed off and wicked person. On Easter I was in so much pain Greg took me to the drug store and I bought about $30 worth of tooth pain products that didn't do squat to help my pain. On Monday I called the dentist and asked for an emergency appointment and five hours later they still had not called me back. I was decidedly unhappy about this but I wasn't about to bite the hand that could cure me (or in my case very gently nip at the fingers of the hand that could cure me) so I called back and told them that I was literally begging my horrified husband to pull out my tooth with the pliers. They gave me a prescription for Vicodin and an appointment for the next day. I started taking the pills and it did nothing, so I started taking two at a time and it didn't even touch the pain!! I was high as a kite but could still feel all of the pain! When I went to the dentist she said I had a gum infection and gave me some penicillin and some percocet (sp?). Well my friends, the pain was helped with the medicine, but the penicillin has a horrible side effect for us women that I won't go into, but it causes a vast amount of uncomfortableness. So now my mouth was hurting something fierce, I was high as a kite and sitting down was very not fun. I still had to do all my motherly duties like take the girls to dance and art and tutoring, so I would get high in the morning, then not take anything in the afternoon so I would be straight to do the evening runs all the while I was grumpy and loopy. Well, I went back to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned and my regular dentist came in and asked me why I didn't get my root canal re-done from 8 years ago, he told me that it needed to get done a year ago. I had gone to a specialist at the time who told me that he would just wait and see if it got worse, so that's what I did. Now my dentist thinks I'm a total moron for complaining that my mouth hurts when I didn't get the problem fixed last year and he sent me to see a different specialist last week. Well this new specialist told me that my old root canal is not the problem, I apparently had an infection on the tooth next to the one we thought was the problem and we had to do a root canal on THAT one, as WELL as the original tooth!!! HUH??? Now I had two root canals to do??? In the mean time I had to sit for the first root canal in my very uncomfortable situation that would not get cleared up because I had to continue to take the penicillin!!! So something that would normally just take 3-7 days to clear up had now gone on for about 12 days! Now, I must admit that being totally looped on the drugs was kind of fun, but I was totally freaked out about the possibility of getting addicted to them so I would wait until I was in major pain and out of my mind pissy, then I would take a pill and be out of my mind high, not my idea of a good time. Although I must say that I totally forgot that my foot hurt at all!! So my mouth was feeling good, then I had the first root canal and the pain started all over again and I thought I was gonna go crazy!! The pain lasted for about four days and now my mouth is feeling great, but I have my second root canal on Saturday so I'll be back on the juice I'm sure. It's perfect timing because I'll have one week to heal from all the mouth issues, then I'll get my foot surgery and I'll be back on a balanced diet of pain killers and self pity.

So, on to the consumer gluttony party. I was in so much pain that I felt I deserved to buy some liquid love (a.k.a. coffee), so I imbibed A LOT! I must say that I bought many a coffee and I only felt a little guilty, mostly I was indignant and self indulgent. I also bought kids meals for Mia after school a few times because I couldn't deal with making lunch for her. Now because I had such a lax attitude toward our money saving goal Greg was enjoying his fair share of my high, I don't care, attitude. During this time Greg and Emma had to get new glasses - $250, our ice maker in the fridge went out - $85 (that didn't even fix it, we're gonna have to pay $120 to replace it), our lawn mower broke and we had to get it fixed - $68 and I have had to pay numerous co-pay fees for emergency dentist appointments and so forth - $90. All this has been going on and Kayleigh turned 7 last week and wanted her birthday money! So we're a touch on the poor side and actually had to dip into the credit cards to help pay for some of the fees. We're definitely not back where we started, but it hurts to look at the bank account and see the damage my gluttony caused. Oh well, it's a good lesson to learn. Poor Greg went out and bought something that we didn't need yesterday and I made him take it back. I think he was a little shocked at first because I was all "What is THAT?!" then he stopped and stood staring at me like a deer in headlights. When he finally moved he timidly asked me if I wanted him to return it and I said "I can think of a lot of thing that we actually NEED to spend that sort of money on." He looked a little deflated, but then he said he agreed with me and that he had gotten into a money spending frenzy because I had been so relaxed about spending lately. I feel like a hard core whip cracker, but the party had to end sometime right?

So here we go again embarking on what feels like the beginning of our experiment. It's amazing to realize that I do indeed have self control. I never thought of not spending money something that has been taking lots of self control, I haven't given myself enough credit for all that we did in the first few months. Now that I'm back on the wagon I can see clearly how I have to think about what I'm spending every day or I just get lazy and slip.

Ok, that a bit of what's been happening in my life during the time I was so quiet. I must prepare you all with this info.....I'm having my surgery on the 19th, that's two weeks from tomorrow. When I have the surgery I will be bed/chair ridden for several weeks, but I'm going to say that I don't think I will be doing much blogging in the first week since I don't have a lap top. I will do my best to keep everyone entertained and informed and I may even try to twitter,but I'm not sure what's going to happen. I do know that when I finally blog I will be a little high on the pain killers so you'll have to forgive my crazy ranting. At least I know that I won't be able to spend any money if I can't leave the house!

I start my weeks long garage sale this Friday, then I'll do it after the root canal on Saturday so I should be good and goofy, maybe I'll make more money if I'm funny. That or I'll get ripped off! Anywho, I have to run and put my profile on a few work from home websites now so I can bring in some $$$. If any of you know anyone who needs a telecommuting assistant, data entry, transcript person then send them my way!



  1. You might be able to help me. Call me or email

  2. Hang in there my friend! Soon all this craziness will be over. Just think that if all these crisis' happened last year you would have had to put all of this on your credit cards! You may be a little cash poor at the moment (with a little credit card debt) but at least you're not overwhelmed with that credit card debt and loads of old credit card debt! Big hugs from San Jose!

  3. Oh my, don't go beating yourself up so much. Change is hard, and as long as you keep your goal in mind, you will be fine. It's not like you went out and bought a new wardrobe or a new TV! nobody is perfect, and you are doing an excellent job :)

  4. With all that going on - I think a little coffee ain't nothing! I probably would have been getting take-out for every meal for two weeks.
    From Andy :)
