Monday, June 8, 2009

Is this thing still on?

I'm not sure if anyone is still reading this, I've gotten a couple of comments that people can't open it. Anywho, I still need to write it because it keeps me in touch with what we're trying to do here. I reminds me that I need to make small sacrifices now to make our financial future better.
I've been so sick of doing nothing lately what with my foot and all. My days have consisted of driving the kids to/from activities and running errands that require the most minimal amounts of walking. My butt is getting MUCH bigger and I'm bored to tears!!! I've found that I was doing the fast food run more because I couldn't do much in the kitchen and the kids have lots of activities. Needless to say our bank account is hurting because I drove the kids through McDonalds a few times. Do you even know how flippin' EXPENSIVE fast food is? It shocks me every darn time. Anyway, I've been a touch depressed because I feel like we're back at the beginning, broke, not making much progress in paying off the bills and making poor dinner choices. So now that I can walk a bit more (d0n't even really need the crutches!) I've been working to get back on track. I was feeling very "poor me"-ish and was dying to do some retail therapy. I decided to throw caution to the wind and take $13 to the dollar store and shop my brains out! I bought the kids some craft supplies (we made awesome Oobi eyes- you have to have a 3 year old to know who Oobi is I think), I bought some bubbles, kitchen get the point, I spent every last dime and I felt GREAT!!!! The kids were beside themselves with excitement, they couldn't believe their good luck, I was super mom and they were happy. Who would think that some crappy dollar store junk would make us feel like we're rich? So things are starting to get back on track, I have dinner in the crock pot as we speak and the only spending we've done is on groceries.
OOOOh, I have to tell you that my friend Rebeccah took me to see Dane Cook (the comedian) on Saturday night, it was an early birthday present. It's been so long since I've gone out to more than dance lessons that I wore my sparkly best. I was dressed like I was going to prom (almost), my hair was done and my makeup was rockin'! I must thank Rebeccah for being such an attentive date too, she carried my purse so I could crutch around unfettered. That lovely date also made me realize that Greg and I have had ZERO alone time since we started this experiment in January! We have not once gone out on a date, we always have at least one of the kids with us or one of us stays home while the other goes out. I think we've earned some time alone, we are giving ourselves permission to hire a babysitter!!! We may even see a movie that isn't animated and has nothing to do with Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers! We're gonna get wild.
So,that's the 411 on our lives of late, not very exciting when you can't move too far from the recliner. I hope you're all getting out and enjoying the sunshine/hail/sunshine/lightening/sunshine/70mph winds......that's how the weather up here has been lately. I have to go yell at my chlidren now, they're home from school and already fighting. Have a super evening.



  1. LOVE the new layout! Hope you are more mobile soon :)

  2. I'm still reading! And still enjoying it. Cut yourself some slack. You had an operation for goodness sake! Glad you're back on track. I'll see you in a few weeks!

  3. Yes, we are still here!!!! I check on your blog every couple days. I'll have some more stuff for you to do soon, actually, I'll send you an email with a challenge.

  4. I loved spending time with you and your family. I can't wait until our girl's weekend!
