Friday, May 15, 2009

Now a moment of thankfulness

Hiya I just wanted to take this little space to remind myself how lucky I am to have as much support and love as I do.
Thanks to my parents for all the numerous meals out and the free babysitting. We would be sooooo sick of doing this money saving stuff if you guys weren't there to help us out and give us the opportunity to go on field trips with the kids, doctor's appointments without the kids, and most importantly giving the kids each alone time with you. You guys ROCK!!!!!!

Thanks to my friends and loyal followers who have to endure my insane rantings and have horrible imagery imprinted on your brains of my various stages of undress. Without your encouragement and eager cries for more this would be so freakin' tedious I don't think I could have stayed with it. You all have been so great and generous with your kind words and gifts I tear up just thinking how lucky I am to have you support me through this emotionally. I also have to say that I really didn't notice how many crazy things happen to me on a weekly basis until I started writing them down, I really am a weird experience magnet!! I get so down on myself when I screw up and spend money and it's nice to hear your side of things and you're all much more gentle on me than I am.

I have been BORED sitting around during my healing process, it gives a person a lot of time to ponder life, love and the pursuit of happiness. I'm happy to say that before my foot surgery at my garage sale I raised $150 for Sharon's Avon walk for the cure and I pocketed $150 myself. The unfortunate news is that I was not able to get one fun thing with my money, I had to get some crutches and pay for my van registration, that sucked up all my money (insert frowny face here). The good news is that I am mobile (sort of) and legal!!!!! I'm hoping to have another sale this weekend, if my foot can handle the movement, and I'll be able to get some fun stuff with that money. Since my foot surgery we've spend too many loads of money on eating out, Greg is not a very cooking sort of guy. We've had some fun cook outs and Kayleigh is a saint among children and has been making breakfast every morning for herself and Mia (toaster waffles), what a sweetie. I never thought I would say this, but I can't wait to get off my butt and clean this disgusting house, it's amazing to see how much work I actually did during the week, I thought I hardly got any housework done since it was always cluttered, but damn if it's not way worse since NOBODY is doing anything now! I praise my own name. I had to take some medication today (overdid it yesterday and hurt my foot) and I'm not really sure what I'm saying, so I'll end your misery. Have a super weekend and take the time to pat yourselves on the back for your achievements. They may not seem big to you, but the world would be worse off without your hard work!


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