Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm not going to take it anymore!!!

This is a quick, short post. I have so many things to tell you, but I'm sooooo mad right now that I have to get this off my chest. I just got a call from the Washington State Troopers Association asking for a donation. When I told him that we couldn't afford to donate right now he began to yell at me and tell me that it's been 18 months since my last donation!!!! Can you believe his balls? I got soooo P. O.'d that I started yelling at HIM! I told him that with this economy and my being unemployed and having three children, my family is my priority, not his campaign!!!!!!! He then said, oh, I didn't know you had three kids, it says here you only have two, congratulation on the new addition. I hung up on his sorry ass. WTF, how DARE he speak to me like that. Do you think that Susan G. Koman's people call up potential donators and start to yell at them when they don't donate $$$?? NO, they understand that donations are very important and they don't abuse their potential donors. So I fired off the following email to the State Troopers Association just a minute ago, here it is:

To whom it may concern,
I just received a call from the State Troopers Association asking for a donation for their Drinking and Driving Campaign, when I told the caller that I would not be able to donate due to financial difficulties, he began to berate me because I hadn't made a donation for the last three campaigns. I don't know who I should be writing this complaint to, but I'm completely appalled at the behavior of the person representing your organization. I should not have to explain my finances to someone who is trying to elicit a donation from me, I should merely have to say that we can't afford it right now and that should be accepted. This is not the first time one of the callers has been rude to me, during the last campaign a few months ago I was treated the same. I guarantee you that if any other organization were calling for a donation, they would not be verbally abusive to the person they were trying to get a donation from. Your people need a lesson in dealing with customers, even if the response is not the one they want, they need to learn to bite their tongue and accept it. I just want you to know that I will NEVER donate to this organization again, my husband is in law enforcement and I would rather give donations to his union than one who does not appreciate that not everyone can give money in this tough economy

With great disappointment,

Sabrina L.

So I say, put that in your pipe and smoke it State Troopers! Am I wrong? Did I go overboard? The first time they called and yelled at me I was so shocked that I just took it. This time I was shocked, but I recovered quicky and got uber pissed off. I have so much adrenaline running through my veins now I'm going to go clean the bathrooms. I'll write again later once I've calmed down.
Thanks for reading my rant

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you are so right on, and good for you for writing a clear, intelligent letter to those losers. Can you get mad again and come clean my bathroom?
