Friday, November 20, 2009

Shout out to Pa Lewis

OK, so I know you've all been wondering if we finally bought a new toilet seat and the answer to that is a shameful "NO". It's gotten to the point where Emma and Kayleigh have had chunks of their tiny hiny's taken off by the vicious toilet seat! Kayleigh said to me the other day, "MOM! When I sat down on your toilet I felt a pinch and I thought a snake BIT me!!! I didn't know it was broken, so now I just lean way over and it doesn't hurt me." Hello there (I say abashedly) I'm the terrible mom that has let a broken toilet seat pull chunks off of her kids' butts! SO why am I telling you this, you may be asking yourselves. I tell you this because today is my darling husband's birthday (hells no, I didn't get him a toilet seat, I'm too cheap for that!) and his dad (Pa Lewis) sent him a padded toilet seat!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, I said PADDED baby!! Now my butt will rest in the cushioned comfort it so deserves. Can I please just tell you that I almost peed my pants laughing? I know, it would have been appropriate since the gift was bathroom related, but I held it in. Poor Greg was so confused, he doesn't read this blog, so he has no idea what I write about (something about him getting enough of me in person, he doesn't need to read embarassing things about himself on the computer). He thought I had called up my wonderful Parents-in-law and told them about my butt eating toilet seat troubles!! He looked at me like I was a crazy person (be nice!) while I howled with laughter. I was laughing so hard I couldn't explain the situation to him, but I finally spit out "YOUR....DAD...READS....MY....BLOG....STILL!!" Then he said "what the heck are you writing about?!"

So in conclusion, this entry was a shout out to Pa Lewis who saved our butts (literally). Oh, I should mention that he also sent Greg a gift card for Dutch Bros., my favorite place in town. I thought that was a little mean because Greg won't get me coffee with it, he's saving it to use for when he and his partner at work get coffee (which they do ALL THE TIME). Harumph! Althought I can't be too mad since I'm still working on my last pound of coffee that Ma & Pa sent me for my B-day from my most favoritest coffee place in Spoke, The Wakeup Call.

I also want to let Pa know that the gift giving war is ON! We're going to search the ends of the earth to find an equally funny gift to give you for your B-Day. We have a couple of months so the search starts NOW!



  1. As I will likely be visiting the Lewis household over the holidays and may need to use the restroom while I'm there, I thank Pa Lewis from the bottom of my heart (and from my actual bottom too)!
