Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Three days until Christmas

Hello blog fans! So it's three days before Christmas & Mia is upstairs screaming & kicking the bathroom door because it won't lock. Yup, I'm gonna say that's probably the best way to get me into the Holiday spirit. Oh boy, it's been a busy few weeks, but it's almost over!!! Tonight is the last night of school, I graduate, send in my application to take the state exam & get my final certificate from the class. Woohoo, I made it! How did everything seem so easy for our parents? I'm not saying that it's was all ease & no stress at my house, but aside from the chaos of making the holiday meals, everything else just seemed to fall into place. I don't remember my mom freaking out about trying to find time to wrap gifts or those little things. It just seemed that one day there were gifts under the tree, end of story. I guess it's a lot like the theater productions I used to be involved in, on stage everything is easy & in place, but back stage it was chaos, people walking swiftly to get props in their places, changing costumes, people chattering quietly in headphones to make sure the lights, music & curtains all work as the right time. It always made me laugh when people would comment on how great the show was because from my view back stage it was always a MESS!!! That's how it is when people comment how together I seem, inside I'm a total mess, I just shove it into my mental closet so company doesn't see it! I feel so frazzled, it's amazing our tree even got decorated this year!! I think God broke my oven so I wouldn't feel the need to bake all Christmas treats I always feel obligated to bake. It has been sheer heaven not to even think twice about baking, I have zero guilt & it's saved me hours of time too. It's amazing how these things work out just right. Of course there's the inconvenience of having to go to my mom's house to cook items for my school pot luck, but it's only one night so I can't complain too much.

OK, now I'm going to tell you the good news! No, I'm not pregnant! Greg and I talked to a financial advisor & we have our plan to be totally debt free (aside from student loans) in four years or less! The woman put us on a budget, although she was shocked how we've been able to stretch Greg's salary for the past year. Our credit cards are dead to us & by the time I finally get accepted into the Nursing program (it's a three year waiting list) we'll be able to pay cash for school! How awesome is that? Once I start working, if we continue to live the way we have we'll be able to be debt free even sooner, maybe in two years! I'm so excited, it will be amazing to only be shelling out money for student loans, our house & Greg's car!! That being said, we may have to postpone our Hawaii trip since we won't be using credit at all, but we'll be saving money for the trip so we'll get there soon. I suppose the next big step in our lives is me using my education & getting a job! I've been looking around for jobs & can start applying in January so I need you all to say a prayer for me that some poor sucker company will hire me. The plan is to work in a nursing home for a year, then move to a hospital & be so awesome that they'll want to pay for my Nursing school. We'll see how that works out.

Anywho, that's about it, nothing funny has been happening to me lately, at least not that I've noticed, I've been so pre-occupied with school & living on no sleep that I've lost my sense of humor temporarily. I hope you all have a fantastic Holiday season & here's to making 2010 the best yet. I'm working on my resolution, I'm tired of the obvious ones. Maybel I'll resolve to use more curry powder in my cooking or something bizarre like that. Merry Christmas.


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