Friday, November 23, 2012

Treading water

Happy Thanksgiving!! We cheated a little this year and celebrated turkey day last Sunday because Greg had to work today and we didn't want to have it without him. The great thing about that was, for the very first time in my life, we actually had a relaxing and great Thanksgiving meal with my parents because it was just us and them, no chaos and days of preparation, it was AWESOME!! Most of you who know me know I HATE Thanksgiving because it's always so stressful and my family was very dysfunctional and I hated being forced to be around them when I was younger. So this year was a great relief. So like a good Weight Watchers Devotee I loaded my plate with veggies and a small scoop of potatoes and stuffing. I ate the veggies first and then went to splurge on the stuffing and I was too full!!! Dag nab it, I couldn't even eat my stuffing and mashed potatoes :( I was super PO'd to say the least. Oh well, I at least I didn't over eat and feel bad about myself. I only had a little bite of Emma's Pumpkin Pie and chocolate torte so it was a good day for my healthy eating.

More good news, at my weigh in on Monday (in my bathroom) I have lost a total of 13 pounds so far! Yay me :) I had my ups and downs last week, my job situation is horrible, have you ever felt like everyone in a group is against you and you're just trying to keep your head above water? That's what it's like at work. A co-worker came back from maternity leave and has targeted me for some reason and is making my life a living hell. Of course she's the office favorite so I can't go to the boss because she's believed everything this woman has said about me and has spoken to me twice about things this woman has said about me and believed them. Yeah, it's awesome. Anywho, I was letting that get me down and not following my eating plan as well as I had been before she came back and I was nervous that I had put on a bunch of weight, but at my weigh in I had still lost weight so I just have to get back on track. So after much praying and job rejections I came to the conclusion that my job right now is just my karma for not always being nice to people and when the time is right for me I'll get responses to the applications I keep filling out. I also concluded that this woman does not define my job or how I am doing my job so I'm just going to do what's the best for my patients and make them happy. I'm also not working for her, I'm working for my family and to keep my kids fed and happy so she can stuff it up her nose. I had a good time the three days I worked this week because I did nothing the evil woman at work could complain about and I could tell she was getting pissed. She kept trying to find an error in my work but I just smiled and explained what I was doing and told her I would be more than happy to do it differently if she wanted, I was just doing things the way she trained me to. If course she couldn't find anything wrong so she was in a pissy mood, muwahahaha.

So on this Thanksgiving day I'm going to say that I'm thankful I have a job; that I'm finally getting healthy; that I have friends who care enough to read about my journey to getting healthy; that my family are all healthy and that I can say a prayer and have it answered in a way that I can understand and apply to my life. I'm also thankful that we're lucky enough to be able to go to Florida for 10 fun filled days!

I'm going to be leaving on the aforementioned trip on Sunday so I won't be checking back in until we get back as I won't be bringing my laptop with me. I'll just need everyone to send positive energy and thoughts out to the universe that I can resist the many temptations of the sweet shops and restaurants we'll be surrounded by. My goal is to at least maintain my current weight loss. So thanks for reading and I hope you have a great couple of weeks, I know I will!!!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Oy it's been so long!

Hello friends, long time no blog! I know it's been weeks, but it has just slipped by so fast I forgot to log on and do an update. Let's start with the good news, drum roll of this past Sunday (my weigh in day) I've lost 11 pounds. Hecks to the yes my friends. It doesn't look like I've lot a lot of weight, but I can definitely tell in the way my clothes are fitting me. Thank you weight watchers! All of that AND I survived Halloween with the candy all up in my business. Let me just tell you that it wasn't easy. I got into such a fight with Kayleigh's candy bag that I accidentally inhaled 2-4 fun sized snickers! That bag put up a good fight too. It kept trying to hide up on the top shelf but I wasn't going to let that happen, no hiding in this house, if you're going to taunt me you're going to do it face to face. I showed it who the boss is, I wiped that smile right off it's Jack-O-Lantern face when I robbed it of all the best goodies. Muwahahahaha, I still rule this house.

So nothing else exciting is really happening in my life right now, I'm miserable at work because I work with a bunch of passive aggressive, insane people who make me feel like I'm on guard all the time. So I spend my days constantly pretending I'm not a smart ass, trying not to make sarcastic comments because I don't want these nuts to run to the boss who is the queen of passive aggression. We all know how difficult it is for me to not make snarky comments about things, I mostly just sit there biting my tongue because they make themselves such easy targets. It's a practice in self control.

OK, that's about all I have brain power for now, I must rest my weary head now, I just got back from the Fresh Beat Band concert with Mimi and Emma so I'm wiped out, too much hard core rocking.
