Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cake makes me quake

CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me, I'm being hunted by the most delicious, moist, luscious marble cake with caramel filling and magical cream cheese frosting from the Beaverton Bakery. It taunted me from the corner of the lunch room yesterday and it's haunted my dreams, waking thoughts and desires ever since. I made the grave error of letting it lull me into a false pretense of "just have a tiny slice and you'll be satisfied." CAKE LIAR I now shout in my head, evil temptress of a pastry (is a cake a pastry?). I now know what a liar a cake can be and I'm fighting it's left over sugar trail in my blood. Did I mention that it had cream cheese frosting? That's my kryptonite, cream cheese frosting...mmmmm (drool pools on my shirt as I stare slack jawed at the computer just thinking about it).  I love you delicious cakey cake, you made me so happy and so miserable at the same time. you made my belly ache with an overload of sugar but my taste-buds danced a jig of joy. I took a major leap back in the war against sugar and I need to get my head back in the game. I think I need to break out the big guns and start telling myself that I'm going to die if I eat sugar or something like that. I have not lost any weight this week but I have not gained any either. I'm struggling with PTSD from the whole cake situation in the lunch room, but I'll get over it. I'm going to tough it out and go to a cake coveters workshop that will help me breath through the pain and come out the other side able to set foot in a room with a cake and not sweat buckets. No longer will  I hear "cake, cake, cakity cake..." when people talk to me. The cakes psychological warfare is being battled by myself and a whole slew of gluten free recipes that will probably be so horrible I'll lose my desire for baked goods. Fight delicious food with gross food that's my new mantra!

OK, I'm off to bed where I'll dream of sugar snap peas and broccoli trees. Until we meet again.

Sgt. Sugar lumps

P.S. I forgot to mention that I only had a little slice at first, then I went back for a full slice and that's what made me want to roll around on the floor moaning with the injustice of such a beautiful thing making me feel so bad. I'm my own worst enemy!

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