Monday, January 28, 2013

Crock Pot Boot Camp

Good evening troops, I'm focusing today on the mess hall. By this I mean food and not the bit 'ol mess in my damn hall that nobody will clean up! Why do we have so many jackets and shoes?! Jeesh. Anywho, back to the mess hall food edition....

While on my journey to finding the thinner person within myself I have developed a deep love for my crock pot. Talk about an easy way to have healthy meals ready when you get home! On one of my recon missions I overheard a woman say that you can cook virtually any meat in the crock pot with just enough of your favorite sauce to cover the meat and set it for 8 hours on low. Hmmm. I went back to my bunker and started pondering this secret of the crock pot universe and decided I had to test this theory myself. I took my vehicle to the secret store of excess (Costco), bought some chicken, pasta sauce and veggies and set off back to the bunker. For this experiment I chose three different colors of bell peppers and a mixture of little heirloom squash, so darn cute. I cut them up, put them on the bottom, threw the chicken on the top and dumped the heart healthy pasta sauce over it all and set the crock pot to medium for 8 hours. When I woke up this morning my house smelled like an Italian restaurant and the sauce had turned into a soup with all the moisture from the veggies and steam. Damn son, this was the most tasty dish and it was only 3 points for two ladles full!! The chicken was so tender it fell apart and the veggies were perfect. Even Emma loved it which says a lot since she's no fan of chicken. I'm hooked on the easy crock pot inventions now. Tomorrow I'll do something with some chicken, teriyaki sauce, pineapple and maybe asparagus!

Now on to the real new from the battle front. I'm still struggling to hold back the sugar army. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time this time but it's kinda kicking my butt. I do really well with the fight and then I'll go nuts eating cinnamon lips from a Valentine's candy mix. We went through and made sure there was nothing to temp me, but we splurged on the candy and now I regret it. The good news is it was just a half a cup of mix. I need to eliminate the enemy, I'm going to brain wash myself in to just thinking I don't like sweets. I'll tell myself this over and over and hopefully I'll win the war. For now I just avoid as many of the sugar land mines as I can and go on about my day. Drinking green tea all day definitely helps, it's not sweet but the hot water makes me not crave the sweet so much. So if you see me marching across the battlefield with my trusty blue patterned canteen you'll know it's me marching farther away from the sugar army.

Until we meet again, keep up the good fight! I've met my next WW goal so now I'm on a mission to lose at least 5 pounds in the next couple of weeks. Root me on friends, when this war is over we'll have a ticker tape parade made from fruit leather and drink freshly blended smoothies with spinach sneaked into them! Always remember this, cans and boxes are not your friends, they disguise themselves as such but don't fall for it! They're just sugar disguised as "healthy" food, I fell for this trap and I won't see you do it too. Use the cans to throw them at your scale when you weigh yourself, it feels great!

Sgt. Sugar Lumps...out!

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