Monday, May 6, 2013

Depression & Hell on Earth

Hi all, I'm writing this while on the verge of tears of frustration and anger at the dum, dummy, dunces that took Emma's tennis team photos. I've been trying to get a link to see them for two weeks now but apparently there is a monkey with a lobotomy running their site who can't get jack squat right. I just told them to forget it, I'll take my own damn pictures of her since they can't seem to let me see any of the proofs to order them. Jackholes!!!!!!!!!! Phew, that felt good.

OK, "why so long?" you may be wanting to scream at me. Let me tell you, it's incredibly difficult to muster up the will to do anything when you're soul is being crushed and you're in the middle of a deep depression. I know you all know I was working in Hell on Earth, but I don't think you knew how badly it was sucking me dry of my will to do anything. I even totally let go of the weight loss mission. But for the grace of God I didn't gain back any of the weight I had lost, but I was also not eating healthy and that made me feel even worse. Now that I'm away from there I am reminded not only why I went into the medical field (because God called me to do it) but also why I started this mission to eat healthier (because I love me and I want to feel good). Even in the midst of my depression I mostly tried to buy healthy food but we were going out to eat too often. I did, however, lessen our carb intake, put a ban on all fast food as well as stopped buying snacks that were sugar based. Kayleigh has lost about 10 pounds (she also has grown at least 6 inches in the last couple of months) and Emma (with the help of Tennis and daily smoothies) has lost 10% body fat. Greg also lost 20 pounds!!! I'm so proud of those guys. I'm most proud of the fact that K & Mimi have not even asked for fast food since a week after we stopped. I told them it's poison and they said "OK" and that was that. We did turn to Subway for emergency food stops but that's better than McDonalds!

So now that I feel better about my work future I'm focusing on my weight future. I've been making smoothies for breakfast (frozen fruit, kale, yogurt & water). "Kale?" you ask, yes my friends, I put a handful of kale and maybe some unsalted nuts if I have them around. If you overdo the kale it gets a little grassy, but that just makes me feel healthier. I've even suckered the kids into drinking them, not knowing what's in them but yummy fruit. I'm on a mission to feel better and I'm renewed with vigor and excitement. Today I implemented at home Vegetarianism, you can eat a cow if you're going out to eat, but at home it's all healthy stuff. Greg is skeptical but the kids are on board. I downloaded two apps on how to be a Vegetarian and they have some great recipes. I also talked to the kids' doctor and asked her what I need to watch out for. She said to give them a multivitamin and some calcium chews, done and done. One thing I have learned is that I need to buy my veggies as I need them, keep carrots and other snacking veg on hand but shop daily for meal ingredients, this saves money on wasted veg that doesn't get used. Tonight I made some almond pesto with fettuccine, zucchini & carrot "noodles". It was delicious. Kayleigh tried it but opted for beans but Mimi, Emma and even Greg ate it! I also gave them a proper portion of it but because there were the carrots and zucchini it was more filling. I was going to make cashew oatmeal cookies for dessert but forgot to get butter at the store. Oh well, I tried.

So that's where I'm at friends, I'm going to recharge the system and it will be Weight Watchers 2.0, ain't no stopping me now.


1 comment:

  1. Sabrina
    Check out this website.
    I've started using green smoothies, too and these recipes taste really good. They even have kid-friendly recipes.

    I'm proud of you leading the charge to healthy eating and glad you have a new job that you love!
