Saturday, June 15, 2013

Long Live the Chia Seed

Well hello there! Fancy meeting you here. I had no idea you come here too, what a surprise! Well, as long as we're here, together, just us friends, I may as well entertain you with a little story or three. First, please allow me to get a little braggadocios. I went to the doctor last week and told her that I would like a full blood workup because I am 100% confident they will look dramatically different than last years tests. So she ordered up the works and sent me on my way. Oh, I failed to mention that as of last Monday (my appointment day) I had lost 12 pounds in a month doing the 4 hour body eating plan, woot, woot! The next day I got my results and sure enough I was correct, my cholesterol had gone down by over 50%, my liver function panel is the picture of health and my A1c which last year said I was borderline diabetic told me that I am far from the border this time. All my other labs had gone down dramatically as well so I was very happy. I did find out that I have very low iron which explains my insane hair loss. So the moral to this story's good to go to the doctor, you learn something new every time. Yay me.
Now it's time for confession, I've been having a very difficult time staying away from the crunch of a kettle cooked potato chip. I think it's because there is no crunch in the foods that I eat so I really miss it. I can go without the sugar all week, but I dream about the crunchy. I tried some celery and although that was good, it's not the same thing, I need to find a way to work that out. Right now, as it's Saturday cheat day, I'm eating super crunchy Doritos Dinamita chile limon chips, yum, but too salty.  I wish everything weren't so salty but I guess I just have to choose stuff that's not salty. I've been cheating about once a week, usually on a Wednesday, and eating some kettle chips at work, I just love those things. luckily it's not really affecting my weight loss too much.
I have discovered an amazingly wonderful product, it's called Chia Seeds and I love them. I put them in my water and drink them down. They do have a tendency to get a little slimy like the boba at the bottom of bubble tea, but I love that stuff. These Chia seeds fill your belly up so you're not hungry as much AND they help you stay regular, which is my dream come true. PLUS they have tons of Omega 3 which is great if you don't like fish (which I don't). I love a good Chia seed.
OK, so now, if you were to see me on the street you would be like "Hmm, it's doesn't really look like Sabrina's lost weight, but she says she has..." and I'm here to tell you my friend, the Sabrina you see before you now is the no Spanks wearing Sabrina. So I look now like I did when I was wearing those damn spanks all the time, which is how you all saw me so I will look completely the same, did that make sense? I would totes still wear them but I need to get a smaller size and they're pretty pricy so I'll just stick to the losing weight for now. Not only is the weight going down, but my measurements are going down too, I've lost one pants size so my jeans are a total joke, it's like I'm wearing clown pants because they were already getting really baggy from my previous weight loss. I even wore my "skinny" scrub pants to work yesterday, although I must say it was still a bit too soon as I was praying for the seams not to split every time I sat down. But they made it thought the day w/o incident so I'll try again next month. Greg has lost 9 pounds, but has lost a bunch of inches, he looks like he's wearing someone else's  uniforms to work they've gotten so baggy. Yay team us! Emma is also very pleased, she is able to fit into some shorts she bought a few months ago only to have grown out of them before she could wear them. So we're a family who is looking great and feeling even greater!
That's my story for now and I'm sticking to it. Until we meet again in this wonderful place, take care of yourselves and don't forget to go get some Chia seeds (Costco sells them) and change your lives.


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