Monday, May 20, 2013

Week one: -7 pounds

Today was the official one week mark of embarking on the 4 hour body. As of 6:30am I have lost a total of 7 pounds this week. Emma thinks she's lost about 5 pounds and her stomach is much flatter than it was and her thighs are definitely shrinking, not that they were big to begin with. She's very happy. Greg did not weigh himself at the start but just weighed himself yesterday so he'll know more for next week, but he did need to tighten the duty belt on his uniform so that's a good sign. I've had to abolish the vegetarian at home plan for Greg, he was not happy, but didn't mind the soy meat. Kayleigh & Mimi are not thrilled with the new plan of only having dessert on Saturdays but they are happy to have meat back on the table (no, they're not on the "hobo diet" as Greg affectionately calls it). My crock pop happily gets used every night now to cook our delicious beans to last a few days so I don't have to keep opening cans! I must say, I've done more hunting for recipes and along the way have found that eating at Chipotle is encouraged as it has everything we need in a meal minus the rice and dairy products if you get it in a bowl, Emma is very happy. I've also found recipes to make pancakes with beam flour (I don't know what the hell that is or where to find it, but I will), sounds a little sketchy but worth a try, although I can't have syrup. I can have guacamole so I'm LOVING the Wholly Guacamole from Costco, so delicious, maybe I'll put that on my bean flour pancake. Oh, I do have a confession, Greg and I set out to go to the gym yesterday but when we got there at 7: 15 it was closed, they close at 7 on Sundays, so we decided to sneak a treat. We went to the frozen yogurt place and had tiny little samples of each flavor then ran out. Muwahahaha, we are mad geniuses, sneak a sample and ditch. It's a great way to curb a craving without completely blowing your day of eating well. Don't tell Emma though, she'll be ANGRY that we didn't bring her a sample. I even tried the popcorn flavored yogurt and kinda liked it!

So, that's the summation of my first week, it was successful and better yet I feel really good. Thanks for caring.


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