Thursday, January 8, 2009

A chink in the armor

NO, I'm not making some sort of racist remark, jeesh, give me some credit will you? OK, so here it is day 8, everything seems to be going relatively smoothly and then WHAMMY, Greg throws me for a loop. Here's the set up: I was going to my mom's house to help her organize her garage so I can earn some money to buy the $30 espresso machine I saw in the paper (stop laughing, no, nobody decided to cough up a free espresso machine from, sheesh, some people can be so stingy!). I got into Greg's car and there, right between the seats in the cup holder is a recently purchased bottle of soda!!! You may be thinking, "Big deal, it's one bottle of soda", but here's MY thought process behind this. By the way, I'm sure Greg thinks I'm an insane Nazi now, but darn it, at least I'm expressing myself. OK, my way of thinking........: If I'm providing cases of said soda at home, and he has complete access to them and YES there are still cans available and he forgets to bring one or two of them for his ride to/from work, then does that give him the right to spend $1.19 on a bottle to tide him over. Hells NO people! I say, poo poo to you Mr. Forgetty pants. If IIIIIII were to forget to bring my coffee with me (which I haven't done yet), does that give me the right to stop and get a coffee? Of course it does not. So his defense was, and I quote "but I thought if I bought it at the grocery store then it was OK." HUH? Ummm, that's NOT the deal buddy, because my local Albertson's, Fred Meyer, QFC and Safeway ALL have coffee shops in them so would I technically be able to stop at the grocery store and get a coffee? Nuh, uh my friends. THEN he said "I thought the whole point was that we were only getting things that were necessary and saving money." WTF?????!!! OK, I have to admit that I was startled at this because I feel that this statement more proves MY argument than his that I stopped and stared a little dazed because my feeble mind couldn't process anything smart to say. So I said "Well, I don't drink soda so it's not necessary for ME!" then I laughed so he though I was kidding (I only kinda was). I swiftly retreated to my Mommy's house to form my rebuttal and undo his voodoo spell on my mind. So if it's once a month or so then it's not a big deal, but if I don't (Mom, would you stop calling me so I can finish this darn post??!!), sorry about that, if I don't raise a ruckus about this then will he start to slip and think it's OK so stop whenever he feels like it and where will it end? I know it's only $1, but it all adds up. PLUS, I already tried using the old "If I buy hair color at the grocery store would that technically be considered a grocery item?" and after he stopped laughing, he told me no. So maybe I'm still smarting from that, but I'm standing my ground here. If we already have it then it's NOT necessary and you are spending our future financial stability one dollar at a time buddy!

Yeah, that felt good. So on to more interesting things. I know you're all dying to hear about how the calming drops are working. Well, it's a total success so far. I know it's only been three days, but I have not raised my voice one time since I started using the magic spray and maybe it's all a placebo, but if it helps then I'll keep taking it. I feel totally relaxed and in control (for once). I know I bought the special drops for Kayleigh, but now I'm like a mad scientist giving it to all the kids in their juice, under their arms, around their necks (yeah, I'm totally exaggerating). Emma is actually asking for the stress reliever because it's helping her to be more mellow, Kayleigh actually gave in and tried the chicken I made for dinner last night and didn't blow a gasket, even though she totally would have otherwise. Mia has been good too, although he teacher said she wasn't a very good listener today, maybe the catnip in the drops is making her too spaced out. I suppose when she's a 16 year old pot head I only have myself to blame. But at least she'll be mellow (hahahahaaaaaaaaaaa). I even had all the girls in bed by 8:15, they were reading and being quiet until Greg and I got out of the hottub at 9:00 then they patiently waited until I sang them their lullaby. Whose kids are they? I don't know, but now I actually want to keep them! Greg's still stressing, but that's because he hasn't been taking the stuff regularly, or it could be that his body is screaming at him for not eating too much salt or fried food every day and he's slowly going into a healthy lifestyle shock. Kayleigh hasn't even asked for McDonalds since Saturday and Emma is actually offering to use her own money to buy the things she wants!

Day 8 is good.

Although....wait until I do my post on my Target experience, I'm still trying to collect my thoughts and control my emotions before I try to write about that. My only peek into it is that I ended up only spending $8 on dog ear wipes and dishwasher detergent.

1 comment:

  1. Deep breath! If you can survive a Target trip, more power to you! I can't get out of there without spending at least $50-$100 on things I think I really need (but didn't need enough to put on my shopping list). I'll shoot for $8 my next trip.

    So glad Day 8 was good. I think I need the calming drops. I can't remember the last time I was in bed by 8:15.

    Please keep up the posts. While I'm not ready to jump in feet first into your lifestyle change, I'm sure I can find a few tips here and there to help me save a few dollars.

    I miss you my friend!
