Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shout out to my peeps!

I would like to give a special shout out to my sisters (Kim & Wendy) who gave very sound and sage advice for dealing with the whole Emma & Greg situation. I give you props for seeing my side of things (tee hee). A major shout out goes to my mom who was kind hearted enough to bring me a mocha this morning!! Oh yeah, I said it, a LARGE chain coffee shop coffee passed my parched lips. Did I love it? I don't remember the first sip, I think I passed out from the ecstasy, but the other two gulps were pure heaven. THEN, oh yeah there's more, mom & dad took us out for breakfast!!! Today is too much to handle, I have tears as I type. I always did appreciate when they've taken us out to eat, but this is more enchanced by our no eating out policy. I guess they made up for me being on my death bed for the past two days.

I also want to thank all of you who have emailed and also just read this oh so funny blog. NOW, here's where the kiss fest ends: What the HELICOPTER y'all? Only one of you, our cherished and beloved friends and family, thinks that we'll last longer than 6 months???!!!! I guess I shouldn't be too judgy seeing as you're just going off of our track record (yes, we're still fat after our vow to work out at least 3 times a week) and our many other solemn vows that have been broken. This time is different though, this time I'm inspired to smash all your faces in our winning finances at the end of the year (that is, all except for the one beautiful person who had faith in us). Revenge is the best inspiration and I'm really itching to "nyah, nyah, nayh, " in all your faces. Ok, with that said, if we don't succeed, this blog is never to be spoken of in our presence, we will DENY, DENY, DENY!

Soooo, how's day number six you ask? Well, I have good news and bad news... The bad news is that we went to Whole Foods and spent $100 on homeopathic supplements to help calm Kayleigh's anxiety disorder and a little something something for my stress as well. Greg couldn't be left out so he got some fish oil pills (NASTY!) to help ease what ails his mind (mostly sorrow from not having fast food. I'm thinking that Wendy's was his mistress that he loved only slightly less than me). I know, I know, you're thinking, 'was it a need?' Let me just tell you folks, for those of you who have experienced a Kayleigh tantrum, it has been 20x worse since we changed her life. Last night I thought Greg was going to throw her out the second story windw. So, yes, they are definitely a need. Ok, so that was the bad news, the good news is that we actually HAD the $100 in our account to spend on these three (yikes) items. In our past life we wouldn't have had the money and would have had to put in on credit. Yeah, we RULE!~


  1. I was more than happy to supply you with your daily fix. If I haven't said it,,, I am so proud that you have made it to day six. I have had the pleasure these past few days to experience Ms. Kayleighs rantings. So I believe that the money was well spent!


  2. Good for you!! Your writing cracks me up. I think your way to stay rolling in the dough is to keep a copy of this blog, make a book called, "The Journey to Financial Freedom Sucks!" ....or something wittier as you truly are funnier than I am and get it published. You are a hysterical writer!! How did that brother of mine get so lucky?

  3. Hey Sabrina!!! here's a long lost hello from good, 'ol Kilbride Dr! If you need any tips on how to live on nothing, just holla ( I am SO white)! We live on very little and have lots of fun while we do it (now, now..). I'm just glad to "see" you again!

  4. What was the x-factor of your homeopathic preparations?


  5. Remember there are only 10^86 atoms in the universe.


  6. Jeebus says I need to clarify that I mean the "known universe".
    Apparently irrational numbers can be a bitch?

