Tuesday, January 27, 2009


You know how you see those movies that are set to be one day in the life of the character (s) like 'Friday' or 'Super Bad'? (sorry about the punctuation) I've always thought it was a little ridiculous, the days last FOREVER. I had one of those days today. I was up at 5:15am, cleaned (read, hid the dishes in sink under a pan) the kitchen and straightened the play room in anticipation of Noah's arrival. It was snowing like crazy, so I had to gather all the snow gear, make lunch for K-Ry, make breakfast for Noah, wake up K, make breakfast for her and get her ready to go. Then I woke up Mia, got her fed and dressed, made some nasty coffee (ran out of milk), took a shower and did my seriously F-ed up hair while getting K out the door to catch the bus. Sat on the rocking chair on the porch while waiting for the bus (which was way late) and put Mia's shoes on her. By 8:30 the bus had finally come and it was time to gather Noah and Mia (who were both going hyper hypo about the snow) and put them in the car. Had to get Annabelle in her crate, grab my coffee, grab the backpacks, purse and gloves/hats and out the door. Got Mia to school right on time, Papa (my dad) was there to meet her for Donuts with Dads day (thank you Papa). OK, stay with me people, here's where it gets good...after we took Mia to class Noah and I thought it would be cool to spell our names in the snow on the sidewalk. I was doing this with my toe and started slipping and going into a splits type stance. I recovered with minimal pain and embarrassment then we went to the car. Parking lots are notoriously slick in the snow, especially when there is practically no traffic in it (do you see where this is going?). I was driving Greg's new car and we were on our way. I noticed that the car seemed to be sliding to the side, but thought maybe it was my imagination. No, it was not. As we were exiting the parking lot, I lost control of the car and that sucker slid right into the curb and a light post. It sounded like I had totaled the front passenger side of the car and poor Noah almost wet his pants. Noah is waaaay too smart for his own good and starts asking me if I crashed Greg's car over and over again. I say "no honey, we just bumped the curb", I was really sure that I was lying to Noah so he wouldn't tell on me. I didn't check the car because I had to get Noah to school and that was my priority (at least that's what I told Greg). I finally checked the car at the school and to my relief it seemed to be fine, but we haven't had a chance to really examine it.

By this time it was 9:25 and I was going to the hair salon to give that hussy a piece of my mind, but I was going to go home first to get the heavy van with traction control. On the way I may or may not have slid sideways a few times, I'm not telling. I was really practicing my speech to the salon mafia and I was not going to take no for an answer. I was mad and I wasn't going to stand for any nonsense. I got to the salon and threw open the door (picture me with crooked hair looking like Emo Phillips from the 80's, yes, it's that bad! snow flurring around me and a seriously pissed off look on my face). I walked up to the counter and looked the girl square in the eye and I said....."Ehem, um hi, yeah, well, um, I was in here last night and had my hair done? Well, I hate to bother you, but, um, well yes, ehem, you can see how uneven it is and I think that I may be less than thrilled with it, if that's OK with you? Yeah, it's about 10 inches shorter than I wanted and I think it's uneven, do you think that too? Um, if it's not too much trouble I kinda would like my money back? I mean, if that's OK with you. I hate to be a bother, but I just really think this haircut might be a mistake?" the girls looked at my hair and asked me if I would let them fix it because it was very uneven. WTF? Like I wanted them to touch my hair again? So I smiled (not showing any teeth so it was totally fake, BURN!) and I said "ummmm, well, you see, I'm scared to let you cut it because it might just get too short? I mean, if you want to try, OK, yeah, alright, sure, let's try." I was really giving them the what for, if you know what I mean. This was me, " it's all my fault, I should have stopped her from cutting so short, I mean, I thought she was cutting an awful lot? Yeah, so um, Ok. I really hate to be a bother? I normally would just suck it up and live with it, but I'm really just so disappointed with the cut, if that's OK with you?" I was so tough on her I thought she would cry, I really am a hard ass. So if any of you need a tough cookie to stand up for you, I think it goes without saying that I'm your woman. I find the "one time, at band camp?" form of speech works wonders. I walked out of there with an evened out cut and a gift certificate for the next time I want to try my luck at their fine salon. Helicopter to the YES, I was victorious. My day went on to be a whirlwind of crazy activity and I didn't even get my planned nap in! So my Tuesday was NUTS, but the moral of the story is that I saved $25 and got a free haircut. OK, so I have to look like Emo for a few months, but it was FREE, much easier to swallow having to look redonculous when you didn't have to pay for it, plus I can take the kids there to get their hair done with the gift cert. Ohh, stand back y'all, I'm on FIRE today!

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