Friday, February 27, 2009


OK two posts in one day may be a bit much for you, but that Green Egg stuff was too funny not to share, now I'm getting back on track. Some of you may or may not know that this past Wednesday was Ash Wednesday which starts the beginning of Lent. Lent is the time before Easter where you give up something difficult for you to give up so you can feel a tiny bit of the suffering and sacrifice that Jesus dis for us before he was crucified (that's total paraphrasing). Anywho, I've decided to give up Gossiping. I find gossip and judgementaliness (my own word) to be one of my worst qualities so I'm giving them up. Now I'm not a mean spirited person (intentionally) but I do love me some gossip. I'm swearing off of magazines and TV shows that just spread the gossip (so flippin' hard for me!!!!) and I'm making a conscious effort so say something nice about any person that someone else is saying hurtful things about. So I'm sorry if I don't talk to you guys for a while on the phone, without my gossip crutch I don't have much to say. Anywho, if I'm around you and you hear me spreading the bad energy, just nudge me and shake your fist at me.

Also on the top of my list....Emma has her interview at the Vancouver School of Arts and Academics (it's sorta like FAME) next Wednesday and we need your prayers. As you all know, Emma is a totally talented artist, but she's not exactly the most confident speaker so we need you all to pray your hearts out for her to get some confidence and be able to express her passion for her art. It's a whole interview, testing, show them your stuff process that goes all afternoon and she's really nervous. We'll know if she gets in by March 22, so I'll keep you all posted.

OK, on to the confession. Forgive me friends for I have totally cheeeeeeeated so bad! On Monday Greg, Mia and I went to lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory. What's worse is that it was MY idea to do it. I wanted that Mizithra and browned butter pasta, what can I say? Well, I didn't end up getting it because it's not on the lunch menu anymore and I didn't want to pay $12 for it! So I had a sucky sandwich and was totally bummed and then felt really guilty about it. I even lied about going out when I was talking to our friend Gladdy! I didn't really lie, I just left it out when I was singing our praises about how awesome we are, I suck! What's even more weird is that I'm totally paranoid that someone is going to see me when I'm doing something against my rules. I think it's not even worth doing the wrong thing anyomore. ALSO, we went Starbuck that afternoon and bought coffee for my parents and ourselves and the kids. We went to check out a local private school for Kayleigh and I suggested that we go to Starbucks to talk about the school (do you see a pattern of my nonchalance in suggesting that we break the rules?) So we all drank our coffee and I was very smug in my sneaky ways.
Yesterday I made my own mizithra and browned butter pasta at home and it only cost me $6 for four servings, why does anyone bother eating out when you can make it for so cheap at home?

Confession number two, my big, wobbly butt has not been to the gym in weeks (yes, that's an S behind the work week, meaning more than one). I feel most guilty that I don't feel guilty about this, I guess I like being a BBW. I do need to go back and do the water aerobics though, at the very least. Don't let me get complacent here people, I only see Kim posting comments on my Blog (cheers Kim W.!) so I think that she's the only one reading this, make a comment every now and then wontcha friends? I'd also like to apologize in advance to the good people of Idaho where we will be going to Silverwood amusement park this summer. It looks like I won't have lost some of my rotundness this year, so it's another year of having me run around in a bathing suit at the water park. Sorry to the parents who'se children I will scar with my dimply thighs, but at least my own children will grow up knowing that I'm OK with who I am and don't care if I blind you or not. Having fun with them is more important than hiding my body. I would also like to thank Delta Burke for making bathing suits with skirts on them for all of us full figured gals. I do love a bathing suit with a skirt! Ummm, I think that's all my shout outs for now.

I'm going to get my door curtains this weekend, Greg still has no idea why I want them and I'm OK with that. I think it will be a good thing for the neighborhood.


  1. I am still reading, I just never have anything clever to say in response to your fab posts!

  2. Did you hear that Britney Spears was seen eating GREEN EGGS AND HAM???????!!!!!!????? Can you believe it??? Aren't you DYING to talk about it??? Call me! muwahahaha! Love you!
