Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hello; my Name is Sabrina & I'm a shopaholic

Howdy y'all! Did you know that your butt gets bigger when you eat a whole box of Girl Scout cookies? It's a good thing that I'm here to do this sort of life changing research for you!

I'd like to thank my homies who commented on the last post, it does a girl good to know she's entertaining enough to keep people reading!

OK, before I tell you all the truth, I'm going to preface it with all my excuses, ready? Here they go:

Greg and I rented a dumpster to embark on our Spring Cleaning, starting with Emma's room. We gave her a large amount of time in which to clean her room and told her that if it wasn't done by this date then we would do it for her and she had no say in what went missing, and she chose to let us do it. So while I was sitting in front of Albertson's selling cookies, Greg decided to clean the Harry Potter closet. Boy oh boy did we ever have a lot of crap under there! When I got home the house was littered with objects that I had not seen in years and there were piles of scary nonsense everywhere. Thank you Kid's Cuisine for making easy frozen entrees for children. By Sunday we had filled the dumpster up with items from the closet AND Emma's room, I think we may have found where Jimmy Hoffa was buried! Our kitchen was so piled with crap on every surface that.....(confession item #1 is coming) we went out to breakfast because we couldn't possibly cook! We even took my parents out for breakfast because we had to bribe my mom to do massive quantities of laundry for us. You see, she has a sweet machine that is soooo much bigger and better than ours and you would not even believe the amount of laundry we found in Emma and Kayleigh and Mia's rooms, very scary. So we bribed them with fried tidbits of heaven, delicious. As we labored through the afternoon on Emma's room Greg's back started to give out and I was beat up, I needed to have......(confession #2) curly fries and a taco (or two) and a LARGE Dr. Pepper! I know I should be ashamed but damn it we were working hard and needed the sustenance and the kitchen was still scary. Then my parents called and invited us to dinner and who are we to say "no" to free food? Nobody, that's who! So we went to German food and enjoyed teasing Emma about all the stuff she'll never see again. So now that we've broken the seal I'm finding it hard to put a stop to my spending!!! I actually bought a coffee today!!! Yes, I said it, I totally drove out of my way to go to Dutch Brothers and get a coffee! I even justified it by telling myself that since I had to take Emma and Mia to the doctor (they both have sinus infections it turns out, my bad!) I needed the reinforcement. You see, it was a last minute apointment and I hadn't had the opportunity to make my own....blah, blah, blah.... People, I even bought Emma a Taco on the way to Kumon yesterday! I have a major problem and I need to reel it back in. I'm so ticked off at myself, I knew that I was becoming way too complacent and this is what it's come to. It seriously has only been two months, but it feels like it's been FOREVER and I actually feel justified in this frivolous spending, like I deserve it because I can go for most of 60 days without throwing my money out the window, what kind of thinking is that?! It's crazy thinking, that's what it is. I went to Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday with my mom and I totally was going to buy something I didn't need, WTF? I DON'T NEED ANYTHING!!! I bought Kayleigh a shelf and I almost fainted with pleasure at spending some $$$. Just between me and you I did buy Mia a $6 toy, how is that gonna teach her a lesson on not getting everything you want? I have to get back to being more militant like I was in the beginning. This being said, it's not as bad as it used to be, our bank account doesn't go down very much after the bills are paid, but boy have I been coming up with some doozy ideas on how we can spruce up the house. Luckily my car needs some repairs so now we have a goal of what to spend any extra money on, but I seriously think I need to for a support group.

I've been hearing that Oprah and Dr. Phil are stealing my idea by having people live for a week not buying anything that isn't necessary. I have half a mind to forward them my blog address and tell them to make their people do it for a year and THEN they can call it a show! I could go on forever, but I have to stop because I think I may be delirious, I think I have a fever. I'll talk to you later.


  1. FYI you are not alone...I totally go to the drive-thru for a Dr. Pepper as a "reward" for dealing with my kids if they/we are having a bad day. Terrible. Just like I eat pop-tarts if I'm stressed. Picture me sitting on the big chair in front of the tv kicking out my feet so the kids can't get near my pop-tart. I'm a terrible mother. I think you should totally send your blog to Oprah and the not-doctor Phil, I can't believe they stole your idea.

  2. Hey Sister - I hear Starbucks coffee is good for "fevers". And - it is cheaper than going to the doctor or taking medication. I think this gives you a green light to make a coffee run! Love Ya~ Wendy
