Thursday, February 19, 2009

I want so many things!

Hi there, I'm finally back and ready to fill you all in on my fabulous life. I know that you're all on the edge of your seats wondering if I got my coffee on Valentine's day, and the answer is yes. Actually, I was given two coffee's on Valentine's Day, one from Pa Lewis and one from Scott and Janine, the kindred coffee lovers. I actually told Scott and Janine that they were not allowed to come to the party unless they had an iced vanilla late in their hands and they were kind enough to indulge me, Thanks guys! I may or may not be ashamed to tell you that I gluttonously had five (5) coffees over the weekend. My wonderful and loving mother gave me a coffee gift card for Valentine's Day with the challenge to make it last more than 30 days, I plan to meet that challenge and make it stretch for up to 60 days! Yeah, we'll see how far that lasts, but it's nice to have a goal. So I had a coffee on mom's dime at the beginning of our trip, two on Saturday, one on Sunday since Mia was puking all over me in the morning and Greg and the girls went to a movie with his sister and her boys (don't worry, it was on Pa Lewis' dime and it was the cheap theater). Anywho, they felt guilty and went and got me a coffee (thank you Mia!) then on Monday Pa Lewis gave me his punch card for the delightful Wake Up Call that had a free coffee on it so I had a tasty treat for the ride home. My sweet and caring husband let me buy a pound of coffee at the Wake Up Call so now I can make my favorite coffee drinks at home! PLUSSSSSS, there was some sort of error on the punch card and it seems that there was ANOTHER free coffee on there that had not been used so now I get a FREE coffee when we go back in July! Things are looking up my friends, if I could I would hit the casino because I feel a hot streak coming on. OK, so that's the skinny on the weekends coffee consumption, on the more important list of the things that I want.

Kim and Jim (the in-laws) have the coolest Wii game and I really, really, really want it and I'm totally embarassed to anounce that I almost went and got it. What was I thinking? I've become way too complacent and need to tighten up the leash on my brain that tells me what is and is not OK to get. I'm doing some child care at church and they're paying me and instead of putting that money toward my credit card I almost convinced Greg that I should use that money and buy the Wii Fit and/or the fun Bunny game that I so desperately want. Greg, bless his heart, has a hard time telling me No in an emphatic way so I could see that he didn't agree with me but was trying to gently urge me back on to the straight and narrow. I'm a pusher and will do so until I get my way, so I need to really reign in my pushy ways. So I know that I must put the money either toward the credit card, or in the Buddah Bank for our Hawaii trip, not in the hands of the MAN. This is so hard for me, I really want a lot of things and feel that I deserve them because I am such an amazing person (I know, I'm laying it on thick now). I went to the mall yesterday (to deliver Girl Scout Cookies) and I swear I almost had an episode. I CANNOT go into Bath and Body Works anymore, I don't care WHO wants cookies, I'll meet you outside the mall. I LOOOOOOVE the summer fragrances, I want them all and I have a serious addiction to their products. It's no wonder that when I was working there I basically worked for product since I spent my whole paycheck there. I was totally shameless when my mom met me there, I flat out said "Mommmmmeeeeeeee, will you buy me a home fragrance oil?????" Yes, I even used a baby voice, and it worked, my home now smells like Island Nectar! Wendy, I can actually hear you rolling your eyes and saying "yeah, like THAT has changed since childhood!" but you know that you can't resist your baby boy when he wants something, I can't help it that I'm the baby and shamelessly work it. Hi Mom, NO, I'm totally not even bamboozling you, I'm so appreciative of all the gracious things you do for me/us, the grandchildren really LOVE the new scent, so really it was for THEM! So now my home smells lovely and I was given a coupon for a free shower gel with the purchase and I smell like coconut lime verbeena and it is good. We went to Gymboree and THAT should be illegal, my mom and I at that store are like Oprah to a bag of chips, we can't get enough! Why do they have such cute things? Why are they trying to temp me by teling me that EVERYTHING was an additional 20% off or some nonsense like that? I feel like I have to confess my sins after that experience because I swear to you all that I get a contact high just from going into the mall, I'm like a shark in a pool of chum, I get into a frenzy and it doesn't stop until I see the blue sky when I walk out the doors. I think I have a problem with addictions, shopping, coffee, food, let's just pile them up shall we? I have to thank Becky for distracting me with a call to meet her at my house so she can pick up the cookies her work ordered, I would probably still be there if she hadn't. So my lesson of the week is that I'm too new into my money saving sobriety to even attempt to have a leisurely trip to the mall. I have to start keeping a notebook of the things that I really want (OK, maybe a few notebooks) and in a year I can go through them and see what I still want and then I can earn extra money to get them.

Now I have to leave you all with a teaser, I just signed on to go to Horse Camp with Emma's Girl Scout troop in March. By now you all must know that I'm a clumsy fool and I don't really have a great love of horses (they kinda scare me to be honest), so it should be fodder for a great blog entry or two to say the least! This will happen the weekend of March 21/22 so keep looking forward to that! Unless I'm saved by the bell and they schedule my foot surgery for that weekend, let's all pray shall we? I'm actually looking forward to it, I won't be able to do my usual camp counselor stuff with the girls this summer due to the foot so this will be my last hurrah until next year.

Well, I have to go to Costco now so you all have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. I need a pat on the back, I went to Target and only spent $26! I only bought what was on my list and paid CASH! I thought you'd be proud.
