Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A beautiful stranger in my kitchen

Last night I decided that I would try the mirror in the kitchen to see if that gives me the feeling of getting my coffee from a real coffee shop, this is the story of what happened this morning.....
I woke up at 6:30 and thought it would be cool if I took a shower and got all ready for my day before the girls got up and made me crazy. I put on a cute outfit and my lovely blue clunky shoe and made my way to the kitchen. As I approached the coffee machine I noticed that there was a lovely, if not down right gorgeous woman looking at me. I said hello and she repeated what I was saying (a little weird), then she said "Good MORNING fabulous (only I call me fabulous!), are you going to have your usual today?" I thought it seemed a little stalkerish that she knew what my "usual" was, but OK. Then the B-word had the nerve to start telling me all the things that I had to do today, who did she think she was? I think she must have been snooping and looked at the calendar on the fridge! She was just staring at me as she was making my coffee (can you blame her?) and although she was very complimentary, telling me that my outfit was really cute (which it is), I didn't really appreciate the way she just kept looking at me and her hair was a little off, if you know what I mean. So then she gave me my drink and I went on my merry way, but every time I went into the kitchen, there she was just staring at me, I think I have a stalker. When I started a fight with her I decided that it was time to put the mirror back because I think I might have been losing my mind a little bit. I'll miss looking at her lovely face, but I won't miss the way she just stared at me, I mean come ON, just take a picture woman!

I took Mia to dance today and had my trusty little travel mug with me and then to my delight my mom came in and surprised me with a peppermint mocha!!! Hurray mom! Then we went to Target (the den of evil) and bought Mia a red outfit for school (tomorrow is red day). I also bought some gifts for the girls to give their teachers and my mom had the nerve to ask me "How cheap do you want to be?" when I gasped that the candy filled heart shaped tins were $2.99 each. HELLO, isn't the point of this experiment to be VERY cheap? I got the $0.99 candies for Mia's teachers (sorry ladies), they had Dora and Diego on them and she loved them. Emma & K-Ry's teachers get the $2.99 candies, they're all lucky that they get anything, I was thinking that a hug and a heart felt "Happy Valentines Day!" would be good enough. Much to my joy we skipped the whole outdoor furniture/paradise area completely, although I really, really, really want some curtains that I saw. WHY do they have to have such cute stuff this year? I almost had a brain meltdown when I was trying to just get Mia a red outfit and nothing else, the clothes are soooo CUTE! Target is not my friend, too many choices and cute stuff, I need to stick to Wal*Mart where the stuff is not nearly as cute and tempting (sorry Wal*Mart executives). I've been cleaning the house and can't wait until it's warm so I can sell off all my old junk! Hopefully we'll be a clutter free zone and I'll make room for all the cutie cute things that I'll get next year! I need a home makeover so this will be great.

Well, that's about it for today, I'm going to take a nap now, I've been sick for two weeks now and my head is going to explode from the sinus pressure, why must it snow on Tuesday and be all warmish and sunny on Wednesday? Global warming sucks. I hope you all have a great Valentines day, I know I will, in Spokane, where my beloved father-in-law Rich will be buying me a Wake Up Call Coffee (I've nominated him for sainthood). Who needs jewelry when you can have a delicious hot coffee? I'll talk to you in a few days!!


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