Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thank you makers of Vicodin

Hi, It's me, have you missed me? I have good news, I went to the doctor today and he gave me some drugs to "take the edge off the pain", I feel very happyish and giggly. Of course, I have to wear a ridiculous blue shoe that prevents me from bending my foot to help the swelling go down, so with my fantastic new shoe and my premium haircut that looks like I did it myself in the dark I'm a prime candidate for the short bus brigade. I was thinking that I should add one of the kid's bike helmets to my daily ensemble and I'm ready to start my own trend. My fabulous Physician's Assistant with the diamond stud in his ear (that I've probably paid for over the last three years of foot problems) told me that my toe joint is so corroded with calcium that he had to use a magnifying glass to see if there was a chip or fracture that was causing the pain, only gave me 20 pills to last me until I have surgery some time this spring!! Kyle, if you leave your bag lying around again I will use you skull as my new bowling ball! Oh, dumb dog's barking, I'll be right back. OK, so I had to go to Costco tonight to get snacks for Kayleigh's class and I was very angry and in pain and snappy at my glorious children (sorry girls), so I stopped at BK on the way home to get food for K-Ry and Mia (Emma won't eat fast food, she got a Caesar salad at Costco), tonight it was actually a NEED, I couldn't be standing in the kitchen cooking in the foul mood I was in, so it was a treat. It cost $16 for two kids meals and one meal for me (which was nasty), WTF???? It was REALLY $16! That does is for my "treat" nights, that's a JOKE! K-Ry was the only one who ate her meal, Mia has lost the taste for fried food I think and by the time I sat down to eat mine I had already taken my happy pill so I wasn't very hungry. $16 down the drain. I guess it's good to get these reality check moments, but I would rather it had been on someone else's dime, know what I'm sayin'?

So I was talking with Greg (who doesn't even read this blog by the way, some support huh? I could start a nasty rumor about him, like that he enjoys wearing my under garments around the house, and he wouldn't even know it!) anyway, I digress, we were talking the other night and I was telling him that it's not getting any easier for me not to go to coffee shops, I obsess over them! It's never far from my thoughts and sometimes I just hang out at home and play out in my head what I would do and say if I were to go to a coffee shop again (yeah, I know). He came up with a good point, he thinks it's not the coffee that's the draw, it's the whole experience of coffee shop that's keeping me hooked. It's kinda like going out on a date, I think about it all morning, then while I'm driving there I think about what I'm going to order. I usually order the same thing, but just knowing that there is so much more waiting for me there is exciting. I like my mocha, but what if I'm feeling a hint of peppermint? Oh you naughty peppermint, you are a temptress. What happens if I'm in a caramel sort of mood, or want a little scone to round out my order? Yup, it's all there for the taking, ask and ye shall receive. I make some damn good coffee at home, but I'm neither cute nor perky in the morning and I really enjoyed talking to my perky neighborhood barrista. Nobody asks me what my plans for the day are when I make my own coffee, or compliments me on my outfit choice. I don't take the time to really make me feel welcomed when I get my morning coffee, no verbal hugs for me, just resentment that my kitchen doesn't feel like a shop with big comfy chairs. I offer myself quite a variety of syrup flavors and powders in my home cafe, but somehow it's not the same. Should I put a mirror above my coffee maker and chat with myself? I feel at peace with the Universe when I've been to the mother ship for my fueling, I don't know if I'll ever get beyond it, but I'm resigned to not letting it stop me from forging ahead. I miss you my coffee shop mistress, my one glimmer of hope is that my father in law has said he will take me to the Wake Up Call (my most favoritest coffee place EVER) once while we're in Spokane next week, so I'm hanging on to that with all my might. I'm very sad to tell you all that I have used up my very last free coffee punch card and I feel a mixture of regret and shame that I wasn't able to make them last longer than 33 days. I had three free punch cards and three free coupons people, that should have taken me way longer than a month to use! I'm a coffe whore and the shops are my pimp, they beat me up financially but I keep coming back for more and I give them all my hard earned cash, what a relationship.

On a happier note, we've been able to plug more than $500 extra bones to the credit cards in the last month, so I have irrefutable proof that this way of life is working! I'd like to give a shout out to all the people who have made our first month of living frugally so much easier and more all of you who read and respond, thank you, I love your comments! To my parents who have funded more than a meal or two, we give you thanks. To Adam and Emily for the dinner you fed us (delicious black bean chili) and for being a good sport when I WHOOPED your bootay at Sing Star (again), for that I salute you. To Brandon and Stephanie, for your lovely meal (tacos) we truly appreciated it. Did you all know that if you go to a friends house to eat it's the same feeling as going out, but doesn't cost you more than a side dish or some sweet buns AND it's way more fun?! We're going to start a monthly rotating dinner party, this month we'll host it for anyone who wants to come! Thanks to you all for putting up with my whiny self indulgent rants about me, me, me and my problems.

I'm off to dream land now, my happy pills turned to sleepy pills, but my foot doesn't hurt!

P.S. I must apologize again for improper spelling, punctuation, run on sentences and any other grammatical errors I encounter during these blogs. When I'm on a rampage I don't always check for correctness and I write the way I speak and I can talk, oh girl can I talk! So if you notice anything, just turn a blind eye, I can't be all things people, funny, fabulous and fantastic are more than enough, I don't need to be smart too!

1 comment:

  1. I'm dying to read your next post. This is the only thing that makes me laugh these days! (except when Elisa was climbing all over me and I said "stop climbing on me!" and she says "I'm not...I'm just hugging you with my legs."
