Sunday, January 24, 2010

The battle between gravity and the tatas

Hello everyone, this is going to be short because I have an eager Emma breathing down my neck to use the computer. SO..... I was sitting on my bed after taking a shower this morning and there were many things running through my mind. I'm going to share what I feel is the most important thought of my day.

As I sat putting lotion on after my shower, I looked over at my doorknob and saw my one last wearable bra hanging from it. YES, I'm that kind of person who actually hangs her bra from the doorknob when I take it off. I know I should be living in a trailer if I'm going to be doing such high class things, but what the heck, it works for me. Anywho; I looked at my one remaining bra and sighed a big sigh of resignation. The dingy champagne color of the bra (yes, it's been washed recently!) was giving way to the more vibrant white of the elastic bands that were sprouting through the fabric. This bra is over two years old and has somewhere along the line lost one of its underwires. I looked at it and I swear it heard it weeping gently at the thought of having to stretch it's arms around my ample chest and clasp it's "fingers" together in an almost futile attempt to fight the battle between gravity and my bazoombas. I stood up and tried to console my bra as it's elastic literally quivered at the thought of what it would have to endure today. I put the bra on and as I did so I quietly told it that when I got a job a portion of my first paycheck would be used to buy another bra so this one could retire. I don't know if my words of kindness did any help, but it allowed me to clasp the three out of four hooks that still work. I put on my shirt and looked in the mirror, what a sight I saw. I swear I heard my bra groaning with the effort of boosting my left tata up to an acceptable height. My right tata was hanging down to my waist since it had no under wire support. I told myself that nobody would notice, then I threw on a sweatshirt (my new uniform) to help hide the flaw. All day I heard little pings as the elastic bands gave way one by one. My trusty old bra is still trying to do its job, but I plan on keeping my promise to buy a new steel belted super support bra when I get a job. It makes me laugh that this time last year I was making wish lists with stupid things like iced tea pitchers and outdoor furniture on it. What a fool I was. Now my wish list consists of things like a new bra, a plumber to fix our tub & a new oven! What a difference a year makes. Pleas send all your most supportive wishes to my trusty old bra, when it comes time to retire it, I'll send you all an invitation to its retirement party. I'll let you go now.

Saggy Tata

P.S. We start going to the gym tomorrow so I'm sure there will be fun stories to ensue. I'm going to be doing an aqua fit class, nothing beats a threadbare old bra, except a threadbare old bathing suit! I also get to use my old unfinished appointments with Sven, so there's so much to look forward to!


  1. OK, laughing to myself at my desk! Give the girls a break and go buy a new bra for God's sake! No need to splurge on the Cadillac model but perhaps a Target special with some new wire and elastic just to get you through until you get a job.

  2. You had me laughing so hard that I have tears in my eyes. I am going to start "Retire Sabrina's Bra Fund" for you. Now I know what Sharon, Kim, and Susan were talking about last night. You are hilarious!
