Sunday, July 29, 2012

Confession time

OK, so it's Sunday and I thought it would be a great time for me to confess my sins. It has been a week since I last went to the gym. I was so embarrassed by my last visit when I went a little overboard that I thought I'd give them time to get over my foolishness. I've been lying to myself saying that I've done so much moving of furniture and work getting ready for this garage sale that I was doing OK, but we all know that's just not true. So 8:00am tomorrow morning I'll be at the gym with my head hanging low and not meeting anyone's eyes.  I also need to confess my sinfulness in the joy I felt sticking the ice cream man with a dog pee covered costume. He stopped to entice my kids into buying an ice cream and his wife hopped out and started eying Mimi's old dance recital costumes. I had them marked as $5/ea which I though was fair considering I paid $150/each and they were worn for all of 1hr. When Mrs. Ice cream man brought them to the table I told her it would be $10 and she just stood there. Mr. Ice cream man got out of the van (yes, our ice cream "truck" is a minivan) and came over (after selling my kids outrageously priced popsicles) and told me he would pay $2 total, I said no way, he then offered $3 and I told him it would have to be $3/each. He made a face of disgust and told me he would throw in ice cream for the kids. I said "My kids already bought ice cream from you and THAT cost more than $3!" then my little Mimi came up and said "OK, how 'bout you pay $5 for both?" he accepted that deal and paid up. Then I realized they had taken the costume that Benny the dog had peed on and it was still stinky. Muwahahahaha, I'm an evil villain. Oops, I meant to say I feel shame and will offer to clean the outfit when I next see Mr. Ice Cream man. Lies, I'm telling lies again, I think it's funny and will always cherish that memory. At least on that deal we both got screwed, right?

So I got the results of my blood work up the Dr. did when I thought I was dying and I'm very, very sad and humbled to tell you the news. My thyroid? She is in fine working order. I was PISSSSSSED, I thought I could at least have SOME excuse as to my weight issues and now I know without a doubt that I am the sole responsible party for being fat. *sigh* I guess I always knew this, it's just nice to have the very slim possibility of a tragic health issue to give you hope. Oh well, I guess it's back to the grind stone of losing weight the old fashioned way (saving money for liposuction!). Diet and exercise are so trite, but effective so back on the wagon I go.

As I pack up the garage sale and cart all the left over stuff to Good Will and local shelters I will be shedding the house's extra baggage and clutter which will set us free and make us feel lighter (at least that's what the internet told me). I'm so looking forward to having a mostly clutter free home, it makes me feeling more energized just think about it. Woot, woot for a streamlined life! I must now go and try to dig deep into my soul and find the guilt and sorrow I feel for the whole Ice Cream man situation.


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