Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The war on sweets

OK, so it's been almost a week since the change and so far so good. The best part is that the kids are totally on board for the life change. I don't remember if I already told y'all this next part, and I'm too lazy to check so I'll just do a quick recap... Greg is Diabetic and that makes the kids at higher risk for getting Diabetes in the future AND I am no Slim Sally myself which puts me at higher risk too, so I have decided we will all be adopting a low glycemic lifestyle. I tossed the big jug-o-Redvines (sniff,sniff), threw out the fruit snacks and all other high sugar items I could find. Of course one day after this started Kayleigh came home from a sleep over with a bag of caramel/chocolate cookies and a handful of fortune cookies! So I had to sneakily make those disappear too. I told the kids what was going on and how it was going to be hard at first but we would adjust pretty quickly. Since Greg has been Diabetic for seven years now we already mostly bought sugar free stuff but the big diff now is that I'm trying to move away from the chemically produced sugar free stuff and go for the naturally low glycemic sugar products. OK, so we've got me cutting my caffeine intake, exercising and now going super low sugar. Yes, you guessed it, I'm a joy to be around. Actually it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I've been baking cookies using Xyletol and splenda brown sugar so we'll have some good sweets to ease our sweet tooth which are DELICIOUS. The kids haven't complained about the lack of fast food yet, but I'm waiting for that fight soon. I think the only thing bugging the kids right now is that they're limited to two cookies per day. I definitely have more energy, woot woot. So that just leave our lack of organization.

Holy crap do we have a butt load of stuff! I spent four hours with Emma last night going through the girls clothes, trying to thin out their gluttonous wardrobes. We started with K-Ry's room and realized that she doesn't have many clothes, it's mostly pajamas. She always has been our little Hugh Hefner, living in jammies. So with her room done we went into Emma and Mimi's room and that's when hell began. Their closet was over flowing (it seriously looked like it was puking clothes), there were two basket of clean clothes waiting to be put away and more piles of clean clothes on the dresser and desk! Remember last time when I said I would have all our laundry clean by the weekend? I succeeded and I didn't realize that we have enough clothes to start and FILL our own second hand store! So we started with Mimi's stuff and filled one garbage bag with clothes to get rid off, then we moved on to Emma's and she filled one and a half garbage bags and we're not even done!!! I'm scared to go through the dresser that has drawers that don't close. I barely escaped with my sanity last night and got out of it tonight by telling Emma I needed time to fill out a dozen job applications so she left me alone. But alas since my big garage sale is happening this weekend I need to finish the room so I can add to my bounty and reap more money toward my momarazzi camera. So far I have a couch, recliner, sofa table, computer, desk, baby table,  and a full year's worth of clothes for a 14 year old and 6 year old!!! All this along with a garage full of treasures that will be gone by the end of the weekend if I have to start a bonfire mountain on my driveway! I should make my money in no time. Not to mention the fact that Greg will be adding stuff to the sale at his own discretion, he can get rid of whatever he wants! I'm hoping to have my most successful garage sale EVER!!! If you live in town and want to add your crap to mine feel free, I won't even take a cut.

Anywho, sorry the post isn't exciting, I'm just keeping it real today. Wish me many lucks on the job apps, I seriously need a break.

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