Monday, August 13, 2012

Ode to Sugar

Oh sugar my sweet, the times we shared were far too many and decadent. I have been reminiscing of the many ways you've tempted me over the years. Calling to me in the form of cakes, cookies, chocolate, the list goes on. Your tiny little grains of tantalizing sweetness, your sneaky way of making sure you're always on my mind. You've made me want you, crave you, obsessively seek you out, even going so far as eating slightly sweet, mostly bitter baking chocolate when you were playing coy and not stocked in my cabinets in any other form. Our breakup has been bittersweet but I know it's for the best. Now that we've had some time apart I realize the abusive relationship we had. You were trying to kill me with your sweetness, working your way into my very being. Making me euphoric and exhausted, up and down, cranky and happy.  I know we had great times but it's over now honey. I'll always carry your memory with me (in the form of a very lumpy and large ass). As they say, parting is such sweet sorrow but we'll always have elephant ears. I tried to enjoy a delicious, overly sweet birthday treat and that's when I realized how toxic you are for me. I no longer enjoy the sticky, gooey, sugar laden treats, my body rejects you and I hope to never experience the stomach ace of doom that almost destroyed the Toys R Us bathroom. Few things are as humiliating as turning circles in a Toys R Us bathroom stall while praying you don't explode out the back while you puke (sorry for the over-share).

I'm hoping that some day I'll be able to write and ode to fatty foods.Those tasty foods that make my former gall bladder roll over in it's over sized, gluttonous grave.

My mind is becoming clearer, less caffeine, less sugar, less food driven cravings and sometimes even the DESIRE to exercise! Who woulda thunk it? Plus, the energy to finally get our garage cleaned out. After 9 years of talking about it, it's finally done!! Greg starts brewing beer next weekend and I'll be in the back playing tether-ball. Hells yes, it's a slow process, but I'm really doing it Virginia!!!


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