Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'm baaaack!! Hello Friends!!

To those of you who were loyal followers of my previous blog about saving money, you already know my writing style, to those of you who are new I hope you appreciate my extreme honesty, even if it is embarrassing at times. OK, here's the long and short of it. Over the last month and a half I've been having issues with my heart feeling like it's going to explode. So after really keeping track of when my heart is fluttering and a little visit to the Dr., it was decided that I'm under a tremendous amount of stress and it's anxiety that's causing the problem. So needless to say this scared the poop out of me (not very helpful with the anxiety!) and I've decided that I'm tired of being unhealthy and I'm declaring war on fat! Before all this trouble started I was going to Curves every morning at 5:30am, but stopped going when I was sure I might just keel over. Now my goal is to go back to Curves and get my butt in gear. It's too bad I didn't start this blog months ago because I have some very hi-larious stories of my deciding that I was going to dance the weight off and also Tae Bo the weight off and yoga the weight off, etc, etc, ect... Are you seeing a pattern here? Anywho this is the beginning of our journey together. I've already started back at the gym and am feeling much more energized. Oh, did I forget to mention that the Dr. said I should look for ways to lessen my stress like getting organized? After I stopped laughing she said she was serious, that being disorganized can cause more stress. Obviously this woman doesn't know me, organization and I don't really see eye to eye. Organization tells me to put things in their place and make schedules and I tell organization to suck eggs while I frantically search for matching socks and make the kids lunches 5 minutes before we have to leave the house. If anyone has tips for easy organization I'm open for advice. Now that you know the skinny on what the blog is about we shall begin the newest Lewis Insanity Experiment Extreme Loser Style. As always, encouraging comments and calling me out on any BS you may see in the way of excuses and general lack of motivation are always welcome. Here we go....

P.S. if anyone knows how I can put my previous blog posts in archives I would appreciate the help.
