Saturday, August 25, 2012

Here's what happening in my world

OK, so I've had the most stressful two weeks what with getting ready to leave my job and start a new one and all the guilt and nervousness and preparation that goes along with it. Anywho, all the stress triggered my old pal Bells Palsy to start rearing it's ugly head. Not only am I one of the lucky few to have extremely painful Palsy, it never really went away in the first place, my face has never felt the same since. So I've been downing steroids and antibiotics in the hope of stopping it from progressing to the point where half of my face falls again. Now I'm back to having heart palpitations due to the steroids and stress and I've been like a woman on crack who is rushing around a mile a minute because I'm so juiced up!! This morning I actually told Emma to take her herbal calming pills because I could feel that I was going to be a complete freak about cleaning the house today and she'd need them to stand being around me. The GOOD news plan to drink water before every meal is working out great! I find that I eat around 60% less and all the water is working wonders on my skin. At first it was flushing out all the oogies so I was breaking out but now that it's been a while my skin is great and not dry anymore! So it's two great things in one. Another great tip is this: At night when I'm hungry and I REALLY want to eat something, I've been just having a glass of milk and it cuts those cravings. Since I'm not buying the sugary treats, I'm going to get some Ovaltine and that will be dessert. The kids are pitching in too. Kayleigh bought some red velvet pancake mix that was low in sugar and then she looked up a recipe for sugar free cream cheese frosting that I made and it was FABULOUS! I never thought they'd be so great with this decision! Last night Emma wanted a sloppy joe, so I found a healthy recipe and added lots of veggies. Mimi screamed for 30 minutes that she wouldn't even taste it, and when I told her there would be no other food for her until she at least tasted it, she tried it and ate two pita shells full! Things are looking up in the Lewis household, finally. Now I just have to re-boot my desire to work out. I've been soooooo lax lately, I just can't motivate myself to go to the gym. I walk more, take the stairs as much as possible and make little efforts here and there, but I just can't do the gym. I've been thinking of leaving curves and moving to LA Fitness (I'll get a discount through my new employer) and that way I can swim in the mornings and that might be the change I need. I just don't know, if any of you have any motivational tips I'm always open for suggestions. I think I just need to tough love myself and just make me to back to the open arms of the gym.
I'm hoping that once I've made the switch to the new job and I'm all settled I'll be back in the mindset to make exercise a priority. But until that time comes I'm going to continue on the path to eating better/less and  moving forward one day at a time.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Sabotage is afoot at the Lewis house! OK, so I started writing a post that I thought was entertaining and clever, but apparently my computer got sick of my whining and shut down mid post for no reason at all. SOOOOO I'm gonna get real. I was going to blame my lack of will power for the sabotage that's occurring in my eating lifestyle, but who's really in charge of me? I AM!! Oh my GLOB, that means that I'm sabotaging myself! Who said my intermittent years in therapy didn't pay off? Even though I've been pretty good at making the right choices in what I eat, I still need to work on limiting the servings and also snacking late at night. I think I need to use the technique those super skinny, stick thin people use when they want to stop eating. They either pour water or salt on the food to make it unpalatable. But the poor FOOD, it doesn't deserve that kind of humiliation. Maybe I should adopt the boring food for survival only ideal. OK, that's not realistic. So I guess the only solution is to drink more, eat less (no Kim, I don't mean more alcohol!). If I drink two full glasses of water before each meal then I will eat less. This will be the first phase of my kick will power's butt plan. Phase two will be more of an alcoholics anonymous type of attitude of one day at a time. I start to look too far into the future instead of focusing on each day. I need to do the same for exercise because I've slacked off on that too (again).
All this is being written as I sit here with a belly ache from too many 5 guys fries. Just because I get a splurge once a week doesn't mean I need to gorge myself, right? Hells yes! So off to the backyard I go to watch the kids play in the hot tub while I moan with fullness. Tomorrow starts a new day of making good choices and drinking my way to a healthier me. Hahaha, that's the Lewis family motto!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Ode to Sugar

Oh sugar my sweet, the times we shared were far too many and decadent. I have been reminiscing of the many ways you've tempted me over the years. Calling to me in the form of cakes, cookies, chocolate, the list goes on. Your tiny little grains of tantalizing sweetness, your sneaky way of making sure you're always on my mind. You've made me want you, crave you, obsessively seek you out, even going so far as eating slightly sweet, mostly bitter baking chocolate when you were playing coy and not stocked in my cabinets in any other form. Our breakup has been bittersweet but I know it's for the best. Now that we've had some time apart I realize the abusive relationship we had. You were trying to kill me with your sweetness, working your way into my very being. Making me euphoric and exhausted, up and down, cranky and happy.  I know we had great times but it's over now honey. I'll always carry your memory with me (in the form of a very lumpy and large ass). As they say, parting is such sweet sorrow but we'll always have elephant ears. I tried to enjoy a delicious, overly sweet birthday treat and that's when I realized how toxic you are for me. I no longer enjoy the sticky, gooey, sugar laden treats, my body rejects you and I hope to never experience the stomach ace of doom that almost destroyed the Toys R Us bathroom. Few things are as humiliating as turning circles in a Toys R Us bathroom stall while praying you don't explode out the back while you puke (sorry for the over-share).

I'm hoping that some day I'll be able to write and ode to fatty foods.Those tasty foods that make my former gall bladder roll over in it's over sized, gluttonous grave.

My mind is becoming clearer, less caffeine, less sugar, less food driven cravings and sometimes even the DESIRE to exercise! Who woulda thunk it? Plus, the energy to finally get our garage cleaned out. After 9 years of talking about it, it's finally done!! Greg starts brewing beer next weekend and I'll be in the back playing tether-ball. Hells yes, it's a slow process, but I'm really doing it Virginia!!!
