Saturday, August 25, 2012

Here's what happening in my world

OK, so I've had the most stressful two weeks what with getting ready to leave my job and start a new one and all the guilt and nervousness and preparation that goes along with it. Anywho, all the stress triggered my old pal Bells Palsy to start rearing it's ugly head. Not only am I one of the lucky few to have extremely painful Palsy, it never really went away in the first place, my face has never felt the same since. So I've been downing steroids and antibiotics in the hope of stopping it from progressing to the point where half of my face falls again. Now I'm back to having heart palpitations due to the steroids and stress and I've been like a woman on crack who is rushing around a mile a minute because I'm so juiced up!! This morning I actually told Emma to take her herbal calming pills because I could feel that I was going to be a complete freak about cleaning the house today and she'd need them to stand being around me. The GOOD news plan to drink water before every meal is working out great! I find that I eat around 60% less and all the water is working wonders on my skin. At first it was flushing out all the oogies so I was breaking out but now that it's been a while my skin is great and not dry anymore! So it's two great things in one. Another great tip is this: At night when I'm hungry and I REALLY want to eat something, I've been just having a glass of milk and it cuts those cravings. Since I'm not buying the sugary treats, I'm going to get some Ovaltine and that will be dessert. The kids are pitching in too. Kayleigh bought some red velvet pancake mix that was low in sugar and then she looked up a recipe for sugar free cream cheese frosting that I made and it was FABULOUS! I never thought they'd be so great with this decision! Last night Emma wanted a sloppy joe, so I found a healthy recipe and added lots of veggies. Mimi screamed for 30 minutes that she wouldn't even taste it, and when I told her there would be no other food for her until she at least tasted it, she tried it and ate two pita shells full! Things are looking up in the Lewis household, finally. Now I just have to re-boot my desire to work out. I've been soooooo lax lately, I just can't motivate myself to go to the gym. I walk more, take the stairs as much as possible and make little efforts here and there, but I just can't do the gym. I've been thinking of leaving curves and moving to LA Fitness (I'll get a discount through my new employer) and that way I can swim in the mornings and that might be the change I need. I just don't know, if any of you have any motivational tips I'm always open for suggestions. I think I just need to tough love myself and just make me to back to the open arms of the gym.
I'm hoping that once I've made the switch to the new job and I'm all settled I'll be back in the mindset to make exercise a priority. But until that time comes I'm going to continue on the path to eating better/less and  moving forward one day at a time.

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