Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm not sure anyone reads these posts anymore,but I'm gonna keep on keeping on with the writing. So last week I did well with adding more activity to my lifestyle but didn't do the gym, I just can't drag myself out of bed at 5am when I don't even get to bed until 12 or 1! Next pay day I'll buy my way out of my contract and move to LA Fitness (pinkie promise). So as I was chugging along I realized that I need to be more aware of the food I'm eating. I totally noticed that I was finding more and more excuses to eat crap late since I don't get home until late and the kids have already had dinner at my parents. So I started a food diary. Now talk about a scary freakin' story! My food diary made me laugh, it made me cry, it had me on the edge of my seat (but not in a good way). Did I seriously eat a whole bag of rice puff chip things? YES! Just because they're "good for you" doesn't mean eating 10 servings is OK! ERMAGHERD, no WONDER I'm not losing any weight!!! I was eating so bad at night that I totally undid anything good I did during the day. And as long as I'm being honest here I may as well say that I even cheated on my diary. WHAT?! Who the flip and I cheating for? I'm the only one who's gonna read the damn thing and I'm trying to impress myself with how healthy I ate! I was blowing smoke up my own butt, how ridiculous is that? So I called in the big guns.....I joined Weight Watchers online. I'm doing it with a coworker (who is a major health Nazi). Toni (my coworker) is a cancer survivor who has lost a bunch of weight using weight watchers and she's definitely an inspiration. She works out in the morning and then again after work. So I've been a member for two days and this crazy woman is already giving me the mom eyes. This morning she said "So, did you do it? Hmmmm?" (she was asking if I joined the club) I said "I sure did!" and then she gave me those mom eyes that say "Aw hells no, I KNOW you're lying to me right now! What kind of fool do you think I am?" She had her head all tilted to one side, lips pursed, eyebrows raised trying to get me to admit I was lying. I said "YES! I totally joined!" and she said "Mmm hmmm". This all happened in the 30 seconds it took me to walk by her desk with a patient on my way to a room. So then I started justifying myself to the poor patient who was barely standing upright, shuffling along trying to make it to the scale. I was all "Jeesh, did you see that? She's trying to call me out! I joined Weight Watchers yesterday and she doesn't believe me!" The poor lady I was talking to was just looking at me and her daughter said "She can't hear you, and yes, by the way, I did see her giving you that face." THANK YOU! I knew it! So then I started muttering to myself that I'm a 41 year old woman, I don't need to answer to HER. Then I finished with my patient and immediately went to my desk, got my tablet and showed mommy, I mean Toni, my online account. This got a smile from her so I felt like I got my praise for the day. The awesome news is I used to do WW many moons ago and it totally worked, until I stopped and went back to my bad ways, but it came back to me so quickly how flipping easy it is. Especially now with everything being online. So after each meal/snack I just log it through my app on the tab and I'm done, no more adding stuff up on paper and figuring everything out manually, it's already in the system and if its not I can scan a bar-code on a package and find out the points, easy peasy.

So to recap my progress thus far, I have:
-Started drinking two glasses of water before each meal (getting plenty of water now!)
-Started drinking a glass of milk at night when I feel like a snack (curbs the cravings!)
-Started Weight Watchers and am keeping a food journal (lost weight from sobbing so hard reading the journal!)
-Continuously lied to you about working out more (not happy about that but I can change it!)
-Not lost more than 6 pounds, but am feeling very hopeful now! Plus, 6 pounds in a month and a half isn't shameful, it's around a pound a week. I'll get better.

OK, this is the end, but I was thinking about starting a photo timeline to go along with this. You know, along the line of the before an after Jenny Craig photos, but this would be a bi-weekly photo of my progress, or monthly, what do you think? No, you can open your eyes, I won't be in a sports bra and bike shorts!!!!! But it will have to be something kinda clingy I guess, even though I may die just having that documented in photos. I was also thinking if I post a weekly workout montage video of different at home workouts I do it might give you some entertainment and make me more accountable to work out. Let me know what you think.



  1. Oh I am dying to see your workout vids! Btw you have inspired me to eat better...I'm trying to cut back on our pal, sugar. Today wasn't the best but I do find that the less I eat sweet things, the less I crave them! So I'm working on no ice cream at bedtime. Bad bad bad! Have started eating Kind bars for lunch or breakfast. Actually yummy, minimal ingredient list. Get them at Trader Joe's.
    Sharon ad me read your butt powder post at Chevy's and I was crying. We are reading you!

  2. I'm here too! If Kim can cut sugar, you can definitely eat better! Ha ha!!!

