Friday, May 17, 2013

4 hours to a new me

OK, so it's a few days late but this the post I promised. When I started my new job last week I worked with a woman who had just lost 75 pounds and was losing more every week. I asked her what she was doing and she told me it's called the 4 hour body. So I bought the book and figured I would give it a try. Greg and Emma wanted to join me so we embarked on this adventure together. It's a "slow carb" diet so we haven't been eating any white food, no dairy, no sugar and of course no bread/rice/grains. It's been so amazingly easy, it sounds really crazy but we focus our meals on beans and veggies and soy meat products. Greg is not loving the at home vegetarianism so I've given him a little leniency and he's had some ground beef and chicken this week. Anywho, while on this new eating plan I've already lost 5 pounds and I have to say  I have never felt this good. I have so much energy and Greg and I have been going to the gym and I find that I don't even want to fight going. I think part of that might be the fact that I can plug my earphones into the treadmill and watch live network TV which is a luxury since we don't have cable. I can watch The Voice while briskly walking alongside other sweaty people. It's been really nice. The best part about this eating plan is that for one day a week we can eat anything we want/as much as we want. It's like a game, we talk about all the things we're gonna eat and build up our list. Tomorrow is our first cheat day and as much as I've been looking forward to it I'm not sure I'll go too crazy. This is going to be a boring post, I'm fixin' to go to bed now, it's been a very long day and I'm ready for some shut eye. One thing's for sure, I'm so looking forward to having a coffee drink tomorrow. I've been having to drink my coffee black with cinnamon in it for flavor, no sugar and sometimes 1Tbs of cream. It's really good, but I sure do miss my Mocha. I'm gonna savor that baby like it's my last.

I know I've been a diet jumper lately (as in the last 30 years) but sometimes you have to rule out the things that don't work for you. I figure as long as I'm still heading in the right direction who gives a hoot what I'm doing. OK, gotta run, my bed is calling me, I have a big day tomorrow.


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