Sunday, May 19, 2013

The pressure of cheating got to me

So it's 12:31am, the day after my first cheat day. I have to say it wasn't all that I thought it would be. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, but I found that I didn't really want all the crap that I was dreaming about eating. I woke up at 8:00, went to pick Emma up from her lock in at the church and we went straight to my fav coffee shop. I had my mocha and Emma and I split a doughnut and scone. After that we were kinda full and felt a little sick from the sugar. At home I did laundry and had some chips that weren't as satisfying as I thought they would be. Emma made a PB&J and felt very let down, she said "Aw man, I was so excited to have a PB&J, those are the BOMB, but now that I'm eating it I'm realizing it's not as good as I thought it would be!" So we discussed how it felt more like a burden to eat some of the stuff because we didn't really want it but didn't want to waste the day. Later, we went to dinner with my parents and had some Italian food that was very good and some ice cream from Emma's favorite shop The Salt & Straw, which was also very good. But all in all it was a nice day that made my stomach hurt and made me long to have a salad or something that wasn't so heavy or sweet. Poor Greg missed most of his day sleeping! He got home from work at 8:00 then slept until 3:30 when he had to get up so we could go to dinner. During dinner I commented that his blood sugar was probably going to spike because it's been so low with the new eating plan, and sure enough when we go home his sugar was really high which made him sleepy, then he had to go to work, so he only really got one meal to splurge.
In conclusion, we realized that we need to have more of a plan for our cheat day, we need to choose one meal that's the splurge and have it all worked out in advance instead of just having a list of random foods that sound good to us but don't really go together. I also realized that it's amazing how salty junk food is, my fingers are so swollen I can't take my rings off and they were too big earlier! I'm going to drink a cleansing tea and go to bed. It was a relief when the clock turned 12 because the day of high pressure to eat was over. Oh, as of this morning when I weighed myself I was down a total of 7 pounds since Monday. I had put on about 5-6 pounds during my last month or so of my time in hell, but now I'm at my lowest weight since having started this whole endeavor. So I'll keep you posted on my success. I just wish I could move my head to the right without pain, stupid gym, it hurt my shoulders and neck! I need to take a spin in the Angel machine to shake away my aches and pains. I'll do that right after church, that seems like an appropriate time to get hugged by an angel!


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