Friday, February 27, 2009


OK two posts in one day may be a bit much for you, but that Green Egg stuff was too funny not to share, now I'm getting back on track. Some of you may or may not know that this past Wednesday was Ash Wednesday which starts the beginning of Lent. Lent is the time before Easter where you give up something difficult for you to give up so you can feel a tiny bit of the suffering and sacrifice that Jesus dis for us before he was crucified (that's total paraphrasing). Anywho, I've decided to give up Gossiping. I find gossip and judgementaliness (my own word) to be one of my worst qualities so I'm giving them up. Now I'm not a mean spirited person (intentionally) but I do love me some gossip. I'm swearing off of magazines and TV shows that just spread the gossip (so flippin' hard for me!!!!) and I'm making a conscious effort so say something nice about any person that someone else is saying hurtful things about. So I'm sorry if I don't talk to you guys for a while on the phone, without my gossip crutch I don't have much to say. Anywho, if I'm around you and you hear me spreading the bad energy, just nudge me and shake your fist at me.

Also on the top of my list....Emma has her interview at the Vancouver School of Arts and Academics (it's sorta like FAME) next Wednesday and we need your prayers. As you all know, Emma is a totally talented artist, but she's not exactly the most confident speaker so we need you all to pray your hearts out for her to get some confidence and be able to express her passion for her art. It's a whole interview, testing, show them your stuff process that goes all afternoon and she's really nervous. We'll know if she gets in by March 22, so I'll keep you all posted.

OK, on to the confession. Forgive me friends for I have totally cheeeeeeeated so bad! On Monday Greg, Mia and I went to lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory. What's worse is that it was MY idea to do it. I wanted that Mizithra and browned butter pasta, what can I say? Well, I didn't end up getting it because it's not on the lunch menu anymore and I didn't want to pay $12 for it! So I had a sucky sandwich and was totally bummed and then felt really guilty about it. I even lied about going out when I was talking to our friend Gladdy! I didn't really lie, I just left it out when I was singing our praises about how awesome we are, I suck! What's even more weird is that I'm totally paranoid that someone is going to see me when I'm doing something against my rules. I think it's not even worth doing the wrong thing anyomore. ALSO, we went Starbuck that afternoon and bought coffee for my parents and ourselves and the kids. We went to check out a local private school for Kayleigh and I suggested that we go to Starbucks to talk about the school (do you see a pattern of my nonchalance in suggesting that we break the rules?) So we all drank our coffee and I was very smug in my sneaky ways.
Yesterday I made my own mizithra and browned butter pasta at home and it only cost me $6 for four servings, why does anyone bother eating out when you can make it for so cheap at home?

Confession number two, my big, wobbly butt has not been to the gym in weeks (yes, that's an S behind the work week, meaning more than one). I feel most guilty that I don't feel guilty about this, I guess I like being a BBW. I do need to go back and do the water aerobics though, at the very least. Don't let me get complacent here people, I only see Kim posting comments on my Blog (cheers Kim W.!) so I think that she's the only one reading this, make a comment every now and then wontcha friends? I'd also like to apologize in advance to the good people of Idaho where we will be going to Silverwood amusement park this summer. It looks like I won't have lost some of my rotundness this year, so it's another year of having me run around in a bathing suit at the water park. Sorry to the parents who'se children I will scar with my dimply thighs, but at least my own children will grow up knowing that I'm OK with who I am and don't care if I blind you or not. Having fun with them is more important than hiding my body. I would also like to thank Delta Burke for making bathing suits with skirts on them for all of us full figured gals. I do love a bathing suit with a skirt! Ummm, I think that's all my shout outs for now.

I'm going to get my door curtains this weekend, Greg still has no idea why I want them and I'm OK with that. I think it will be a good thing for the neighborhood.

I do not like green eggs and ham

Today was Cat in the Hat day at Kayleigh's school. It's the day when all the first graders gather in the gym to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss and each one of them gets a tall, striped Cat in the Hat hat donated by a local restaurant. This wonderful restaurant also cooks up vats of wonderful green scrambled eggs and ham (pink, not green). Let's start this off by saying that I DO NOT like eggs, let alone green eggs and I'm not a huge fan of ham either. So I'm sitting at the table with about 10 pint sized kids in their tall hats and they're all excited about this whole experience. One child noticed that I was not touching my green eggs and ham and he said "why aren't you eating your breakfast?" I replied "I do not like green eggs and ham." The he said "would you eat them in a house? Would you eat them with a mouse?" What a little smart ass, who taught that kid to read? So I said "no, I would not eat them in a house or with a mouse. I do not like green eggs and ham...Corbin!" Then another smarty pants said "would you eat them in a box with a fox in sox?" I wanted to thumb my nose at her and tell her that she was in the wrong story dumb, dumb! But I said "I will not eat them in a box with a fox in sox, I will not eat them here or there, I will not eat them ANYWHERE!" At that point Kayleigh's teacher (whome I adore to no end and would do anything for) walks up to me and said in a very gentle, I'm working my best patience here, voice "You know Mrs. Lewis; we encourage all the children to at least try their food and perhaps if you ate some of yours it would encourage the children to eat theirs." WHAT????!!!! I don't wanna eat those nasty things! (that was what was in my head, but Kayleigh and her minions were watching and I had to do as I was told). For the first time in over 20 years, eggs passed my lips today! Not only were they eggs, but they were green, nasty looking, icky eggs!! I thought I was gonna puke, but I smiled and said "mmmm, yes, this is a great reminder of WHY I don't like eggs...they taste just like EGGS!" All the kids laughed and made fun of me because I got busted by the teacher . I didn't even get my own darn hat! So now I don't have to worry about the whole Green Eggs and ham issue again until Mia starts first grade in the year 2011. There is a reason why that story is a child's fiction story, green eggs and ham are sick to look at, who wants to eat that mess? After the fabulous breakfast I was able to exact my revenge on the children in Kayleigh's class by painting their hands red for the February craft, muwaahahahahahahhaaha.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A gift of laughter for you, my loyal readers

I'm going to give you a gift today and it's a one time only gift that once it's written down on this blog it is dead to me and shall NEVER be spoken of again in my presence.

Today started off as many others have before it, I was most productive (but that shall be bragged about in a later post) and it seemed like a good start. I came home from dropping off Mia and Noah at school and shopping for tonight's meal (pulled pork if you really must know). Once I had my groceries in from the car I had to use the loo desperately. I barely got there with enough time to get me knickers down (I've been watching too much Peter Perfect, that's what's up with the English accent) when I noticed something horrible. Since my father in law is an avid blog reader I shall spare you all the gory details, but something happened to me that has happened to all women at one time or another. This incident caused me to have to abandon me dungarees and knickers in the laundry room and run half naked up the stairs. We have a door with a LARGE window in it. Are you picking up what I'm laying down here people????!!! Our front door (which is directly in front of the stairs) is half WINDOW!!! I was hustling up the stairs double time and at the top I glanced at the door because I had an odd feeling. Standing there, trying to poke his own eyes out, was a boy/man putting a flyer on my door knob. I don't remember exactly what I screamed, but it ended in a word that very closely rhymes with duck. This immediately brought me back to a conversation that I had with Rebecca when we got the door last year...."Aren't you uncomfortable with people being able to see into your house?" Rebecca asked, my reply was "Not really, it's not like I walk around naked or anything!" Fast forward to today and my words have come back to haunt me. The glass is leaded and decorative, but you can still see what's going on inside. So now I have to watch the news today to make sure that some high school drop out who was delivering flyers for Talay Thai restaurant doesn't commit suicide because his brain is forever burned with the image of my big white ass. Needless to say that although I find the humor in this, the humiliation is still to fresh at this point for me to want to speak of it out loud. I'm not even going to tell Greg about this, if he wants to hear about it he'll just have to read it like you all are. Don't speak of this to me, I will deny it ever happened and I'm going to drown my angst in coffee and girl scout cookies. After I'm done with my pitty fest I think I shall go to Target and buy some little cafe curtains with a magnetic rod to hang over the window, I do believe that it has become a NEED and not just a want. While I'm at it maybe I'll invest in some tanning cream for my butt just in case, if you know what I mean.

I hope you all pee your pants reading this, it's the least you can do for me.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

I want so many things!

Hi there, I'm finally back and ready to fill you all in on my fabulous life. I know that you're all on the edge of your seats wondering if I got my coffee on Valentine's day, and the answer is yes. Actually, I was given two coffee's on Valentine's Day, one from Pa Lewis and one from Scott and Janine, the kindred coffee lovers. I actually told Scott and Janine that they were not allowed to come to the party unless they had an iced vanilla late in their hands and they were kind enough to indulge me, Thanks guys! I may or may not be ashamed to tell you that I gluttonously had five (5) coffees over the weekend. My wonderful and loving mother gave me a coffee gift card for Valentine's Day with the challenge to make it last more than 30 days, I plan to meet that challenge and make it stretch for up to 60 days! Yeah, we'll see how far that lasts, but it's nice to have a goal. So I had a coffee on mom's dime at the beginning of our trip, two on Saturday, one on Sunday since Mia was puking all over me in the morning and Greg and the girls went to a movie with his sister and her boys (don't worry, it was on Pa Lewis' dime and it was the cheap theater). Anywho, they felt guilty and went and got me a coffee (thank you Mia!) then on Monday Pa Lewis gave me his punch card for the delightful Wake Up Call that had a free coffee on it so I had a tasty treat for the ride home. My sweet and caring husband let me buy a pound of coffee at the Wake Up Call so now I can make my favorite coffee drinks at home! PLUSSSSSS, there was some sort of error on the punch card and it seems that there was ANOTHER free coffee on there that had not been used so now I get a FREE coffee when we go back in July! Things are looking up my friends, if I could I would hit the casino because I feel a hot streak coming on. OK, so that's the skinny on the weekends coffee consumption, on the more important list of the things that I want.

Kim and Jim (the in-laws) have the coolest Wii game and I really, really, really want it and I'm totally embarassed to anounce that I almost went and got it. What was I thinking? I've become way too complacent and need to tighten up the leash on my brain that tells me what is and is not OK to get. I'm doing some child care at church and they're paying me and instead of putting that money toward my credit card I almost convinced Greg that I should use that money and buy the Wii Fit and/or the fun Bunny game that I so desperately want. Greg, bless his heart, has a hard time telling me No in an emphatic way so I could see that he didn't agree with me but was trying to gently urge me back on to the straight and narrow. I'm a pusher and will do so until I get my way, so I need to really reign in my pushy ways. So I know that I must put the money either toward the credit card, or in the Buddah Bank for our Hawaii trip, not in the hands of the MAN. This is so hard for me, I really want a lot of things and feel that I deserve them because I am such an amazing person (I know, I'm laying it on thick now). I went to the mall yesterday (to deliver Girl Scout Cookies) and I swear I almost had an episode. I CANNOT go into Bath and Body Works anymore, I don't care WHO wants cookies, I'll meet you outside the mall. I LOOOOOOVE the summer fragrances, I want them all and I have a serious addiction to their products. It's no wonder that when I was working there I basically worked for product since I spent my whole paycheck there. I was totally shameless when my mom met me there, I flat out said "Mommmmmeeeeeeee, will you buy me a home fragrance oil?????" Yes, I even used a baby voice, and it worked, my home now smells like Island Nectar! Wendy, I can actually hear you rolling your eyes and saying "yeah, like THAT has changed since childhood!" but you know that you can't resist your baby boy when he wants something, I can't help it that I'm the baby and shamelessly work it. Hi Mom, NO, I'm totally not even bamboozling you, I'm so appreciative of all the gracious things you do for me/us, the grandchildren really LOVE the new scent, so really it was for THEM! So now my home smells lovely and I was given a coupon for a free shower gel with the purchase and I smell like coconut lime verbeena and it is good. We went to Gymboree and THAT should be illegal, my mom and I at that store are like Oprah to a bag of chips, we can't get enough! Why do they have such cute things? Why are they trying to temp me by teling me that EVERYTHING was an additional 20% off or some nonsense like that? I feel like I have to confess my sins after that experience because I swear to you all that I get a contact high just from going into the mall, I'm like a shark in a pool of chum, I get into a frenzy and it doesn't stop until I see the blue sky when I walk out the doors. I think I have a problem with addictions, shopping, coffee, food, let's just pile them up shall we? I have to thank Becky for distracting me with a call to meet her at my house so she can pick up the cookies her work ordered, I would probably still be there if she hadn't. So my lesson of the week is that I'm too new into my money saving sobriety to even attempt to have a leisurely trip to the mall. I have to start keeping a notebook of the things that I really want (OK, maybe a few notebooks) and in a year I can go through them and see what I still want and then I can earn extra money to get them.

Now I have to leave you all with a teaser, I just signed on to go to Horse Camp with Emma's Girl Scout troop in March. By now you all must know that I'm a clumsy fool and I don't really have a great love of horses (they kinda scare me to be honest), so it should be fodder for a great blog entry or two to say the least! This will happen the weekend of March 21/22 so keep looking forward to that! Unless I'm saved by the bell and they schedule my foot surgery for that weekend, let's all pray shall we? I'm actually looking forward to it, I won't be able to do my usual camp counselor stuff with the girls this summer due to the foot so this will be my last hurrah until next year.

Well, I have to go to Costco now so you all have a great day!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A beautiful stranger in my kitchen

Last night I decided that I would try the mirror in the kitchen to see if that gives me the feeling of getting my coffee from a real coffee shop, this is the story of what happened this morning.....
I woke up at 6:30 and thought it would be cool if I took a shower and got all ready for my day before the girls got up and made me crazy. I put on a cute outfit and my lovely blue clunky shoe and made my way to the kitchen. As I approached the coffee machine I noticed that there was a lovely, if not down right gorgeous woman looking at me. I said hello and she repeated what I was saying (a little weird), then she said "Good MORNING fabulous (only I call me fabulous!), are you going to have your usual today?" I thought it seemed a little stalkerish that she knew what my "usual" was, but OK. Then the B-word had the nerve to start telling me all the things that I had to do today, who did she think she was? I think she must have been snooping and looked at the calendar on the fridge! She was just staring at me as she was making my coffee (can you blame her?) and although she was very complimentary, telling me that my outfit was really cute (which it is), I didn't really appreciate the way she just kept looking at me and her hair was a little off, if you know what I mean. So then she gave me my drink and I went on my merry way, but every time I went into the kitchen, there she was just staring at me, I think I have a stalker. When I started a fight with her I decided that it was time to put the mirror back because I think I might have been losing my mind a little bit. I'll miss looking at her lovely face, but I won't miss the way she just stared at me, I mean come ON, just take a picture woman!

I took Mia to dance today and had my trusty little travel mug with me and then to my delight my mom came in and surprised me with a peppermint mocha!!! Hurray mom! Then we went to Target (the den of evil) and bought Mia a red outfit for school (tomorrow is red day). I also bought some gifts for the girls to give their teachers and my mom had the nerve to ask me "How cheap do you want to be?" when I gasped that the candy filled heart shaped tins were $2.99 each. HELLO, isn't the point of this experiment to be VERY cheap? I got the $0.99 candies for Mia's teachers (sorry ladies), they had Dora and Diego on them and she loved them. Emma & K-Ry's teachers get the $2.99 candies, they're all lucky that they get anything, I was thinking that a hug and a heart felt "Happy Valentines Day!" would be good enough. Much to my joy we skipped the whole outdoor furniture/paradise area completely, although I really, really, really want some curtains that I saw. WHY do they have to have such cute stuff this year? I almost had a brain meltdown when I was trying to just get Mia a red outfit and nothing else, the clothes are soooo CUTE! Target is not my friend, too many choices and cute stuff, I need to stick to Wal*Mart where the stuff is not nearly as cute and tempting (sorry Wal*Mart executives). I've been cleaning the house and can't wait until it's warm so I can sell off all my old junk! Hopefully we'll be a clutter free zone and I'll make room for all the cutie cute things that I'll get next year! I need a home makeover so this will be great.

Well, that's about it for today, I'm going to take a nap now, I've been sick for two weeks now and my head is going to explode from the sinus pressure, why must it snow on Tuesday and be all warmish and sunny on Wednesday? Global warming sucks. I hope you all have a great Valentines day, I know I will, in Spokane, where my beloved father-in-law Rich will be buying me a Wake Up Call Coffee (I've nominated him for sainthood). Who needs jewelry when you can have a delicious hot coffee? I'll talk to you in a few days!!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thank you makers of Vicodin

Hi, It's me, have you missed me? I have good news, I went to the doctor today and he gave me some drugs to "take the edge off the pain", I feel very happyish and giggly. Of course, I have to wear a ridiculous blue shoe that prevents me from bending my foot to help the swelling go down, so with my fantastic new shoe and my premium haircut that looks like I did it myself in the dark I'm a prime candidate for the short bus brigade. I was thinking that I should add one of the kid's bike helmets to my daily ensemble and I'm ready to start my own trend. My fabulous Physician's Assistant with the diamond stud in his ear (that I've probably paid for over the last three years of foot problems) told me that my toe joint is so corroded with calcium that he had to use a magnifying glass to see if there was a chip or fracture that was causing the pain, only gave me 20 pills to last me until I have surgery some time this spring!! Kyle, if you leave your bag lying around again I will use you skull as my new bowling ball! Oh, dumb dog's barking, I'll be right back. OK, so I had to go to Costco tonight to get snacks for Kayleigh's class and I was very angry and in pain and snappy at my glorious children (sorry girls), so I stopped at BK on the way home to get food for K-Ry and Mia (Emma won't eat fast food, she got a Caesar salad at Costco), tonight it was actually a NEED, I couldn't be standing in the kitchen cooking in the foul mood I was in, so it was a treat. It cost $16 for two kids meals and one meal for me (which was nasty), WTF???? It was REALLY $16! That does is for my "treat" nights, that's a JOKE! K-Ry was the only one who ate her meal, Mia has lost the taste for fried food I think and by the time I sat down to eat mine I had already taken my happy pill so I wasn't very hungry. $16 down the drain. I guess it's good to get these reality check moments, but I would rather it had been on someone else's dime, know what I'm sayin'?

So I was talking with Greg (who doesn't even read this blog by the way, some support huh? I could start a nasty rumor about him, like that he enjoys wearing my under garments around the house, and he wouldn't even know it!) anyway, I digress, we were talking the other night and I was telling him that it's not getting any easier for me not to go to coffee shops, I obsess over them! It's never far from my thoughts and sometimes I just hang out at home and play out in my head what I would do and say if I were to go to a coffee shop again (yeah, I know). He came up with a good point, he thinks it's not the coffee that's the draw, it's the whole experience of coffee shop that's keeping me hooked. It's kinda like going out on a date, I think about it all morning, then while I'm driving there I think about what I'm going to order. I usually order the same thing, but just knowing that there is so much more waiting for me there is exciting. I like my mocha, but what if I'm feeling a hint of peppermint? Oh you naughty peppermint, you are a temptress. What happens if I'm in a caramel sort of mood, or want a little scone to round out my order? Yup, it's all there for the taking, ask and ye shall receive. I make some damn good coffee at home, but I'm neither cute nor perky in the morning and I really enjoyed talking to my perky neighborhood barrista. Nobody asks me what my plans for the day are when I make my own coffee, or compliments me on my outfit choice. I don't take the time to really make me feel welcomed when I get my morning coffee, no verbal hugs for me, just resentment that my kitchen doesn't feel like a shop with big comfy chairs. I offer myself quite a variety of syrup flavors and powders in my home cafe, but somehow it's not the same. Should I put a mirror above my coffee maker and chat with myself? I feel at peace with the Universe when I've been to the mother ship for my fueling, I don't know if I'll ever get beyond it, but I'm resigned to not letting it stop me from forging ahead. I miss you my coffee shop mistress, my one glimmer of hope is that my father in law has said he will take me to the Wake Up Call (my most favoritest coffee place EVER) once while we're in Spokane next week, so I'm hanging on to that with all my might. I'm very sad to tell you all that I have used up my very last free coffee punch card and I feel a mixture of regret and shame that I wasn't able to make them last longer than 33 days. I had three free punch cards and three free coupons people, that should have taken me way longer than a month to use! I'm a coffe whore and the shops are my pimp, they beat me up financially but I keep coming back for more and I give them all my hard earned cash, what a relationship.

On a happier note, we've been able to plug more than $500 extra bones to the credit cards in the last month, so I have irrefutable proof that this way of life is working! I'd like to give a shout out to all the people who have made our first month of living frugally so much easier and more all of you who read and respond, thank you, I love your comments! To my parents who have funded more than a meal or two, we give you thanks. To Adam and Emily for the dinner you fed us (delicious black bean chili) and for being a good sport when I WHOOPED your bootay at Sing Star (again), for that I salute you. To Brandon and Stephanie, for your lovely meal (tacos) we truly appreciated it. Did you all know that if you go to a friends house to eat it's the same feeling as going out, but doesn't cost you more than a side dish or some sweet buns AND it's way more fun?! We're going to start a monthly rotating dinner party, this month we'll host it for anyone who wants to come! Thanks to you all for putting up with my whiny self indulgent rants about me, me, me and my problems.

I'm off to dream land now, my happy pills turned to sleepy pills, but my foot doesn't hurt!

P.S. I must apologize again for improper spelling, punctuation, run on sentences and any other grammatical errors I encounter during these blogs. When I'm on a rampage I don't always check for correctness and I write the way I speak and I can talk, oh girl can I talk! So if you notice anything, just turn a blind eye, I can't be all things people, funny, fabulous and fantastic are more than enough, I don't need to be smart too!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Feel my pain

Hi there! I'm sorry I've been so sporadic with the posts, sometimes you feel the funny and sometimes you don't, know what I mean? I've been feeling particularly non funny as of late, my foot is hurting all the time and it tends to make me a eeensy bit crabby (sorry I tried to break your toes so you could feel my pain last night Greg). For those of you who don't know my whole sordid foot history, I'll do a little blurb on it: It all started three years ago on Halloween... (fade out to me wearing a witch costume). My foot was hurting like a mofo and I didn't know what was wrong so I went to see a doctor about it. The doctor was dressed like a kitty cat and she was about 12 years old (it was literally Halloween) and I actually said "you're the cutest little doctor I've ever seen!", no, she was not a little person, she was just so young and cute I couldn't help it; I don't think she appreciated it very much. Anyway she gave me a cortisone shot in my big toe and sent me on my way. A year later my toe hurt again and this time I went to another doctor who actually explained that I have bursitis and a mild bunion. Fast forward another two years and now my big toe joint is totally disfigured, I can't wear regular shoes anymore, it's down to crocs or flip flops and it's rapidly getting to where I can only wear flip flops. I had to quit Bath and Body Works because I can't stand for long periods of time and working out with Sven is proving to be more and more painful. I went to a podiatrist and she said I have to have it surgicaly repaired, but it's considered an elective surgery, so I have to wait until sometime in the Spring at the earliest to get it done. Call me crazy (I know, I opened myself up for that one. When you're done yelling "you're CRAZY!" at your screen you may continue) but when a person can't wear shoes and has to quit their job because they can't stand or walk for large periods of time, shouldn't that be considered necessary surgery? I suppose I could opt to do nothing, that seems like a good choice and would vastly improve my quality of life, I mean, I could get a handicap sign by the time I'm 45! Hmmm, that's food for thought. Anyway, I usually try to pretend that it's not hurting because I firmly believe in mind over matter, but lately it's been killing me and here's the story of why it hurts: Last Monday it was my turn to stink up the bowling alley with my sucky bowling. I was angry from the hair fiasco and my shoes were hurting my foot so I took the shoe off in between my rolls. I was crying to my friends in the corner about my ghastly hair and I didn't notice Kyle's ginormous bowling bag at my feet (I know you rule at bowling Kyle, but do you REALLY need a bag that holds THREE balls?). I turned to take my leave and my wonky toe got caught in the edge of the bag, OOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!! My big toe is pointing firmly toward the little piggy and to gently straighten it to resemble a normal toe is very painful, but to have it wrenched into the forward pointing position is excruciating. I literally saw stars, but since we bowl on a church bowling league I thought it was best to refrain from using all the colorful swear words that were dancing on the edge of my tongue. I wanted to punch the face off of Kyle and throw my shoe at Greg (just because I can), but I didn't, I put the shoe on and quickly took my turn. Now my foot is swollen and throbbing all the time so I get to go back and beg for another cortisone shot. Lucky me.

So I normally go to see Sven on Mondays but today I can't see him. I have to make an appointment for Thursday, but I'm just not feeling it. I'll go this afternoon (I promise you guys, I'm already wearing my spandex. Hahahahaha, oh, that would be very scary huh? I'm just wearing work out gear). I was going to go this morning while Mia was in school, but she's sick (thank you Mia!) so I had to stay home (awwww, I'm very broken up about it). My doctor told me I should take some water aerobics to take some pressure off my foot, but I just don't know. I'm not embarrassed to be in a swimsuit (Sharon can attest to that since my big butt was jiggling all over Santa Cruz playing with the kids a few summers ago (sorry 'bout that Sharon, hope your cottage cheese and Jello phobia clear up soon!)) I just have a problem being the only under 60 person in the group. I feel like everyone is all, 'get your fat butt out of the water and do some real exercise', even though I know water aerobics is hard, I did it at the YMCA a few years back. I guess you can say that I'm a gym snob, I feel that the treadmill, circuit training machine people are better than the gray haired water dwellers. Anywho, today I'll take the walk of shame to the pool and sign up for the Tuesday and Thursday night classes. Maybe Millie and Ethel with become my BFF's and we can get a discount on our bunion surgeries!

I must take my leave now, it's quiet time and I have to catch up on my stories.