Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Reality check

I'm sorry I've been bombarding you with non finance oriented items from my life, I'm going to get back on track today, there is something I've been keeping from you. On Monday, after I had my hair buzzed, I was very distraught and I wasn't thinking clearly. I've been able to resist the urge to buy coffee after some very stressful times and I've resisted the very painful urge to buy household items that we do not NEED. However, after the hair fiasco I was weak, I wasn't in my right mind (whatever that means) and I gave in to temptation. On the way to bowling I told Greg to stop at Jack in the Box for a taco (I have no idea why I love those disgusting tacos so very much). Kayleigh couldn't wrap her little head around the idea that she was getting fast food, she kept saying "you mean I'm getting REAL chicken and French fries?" I've been giving her the home cooked kind and telling her it's the same, she knows it's not. Greg, Kayleigh and Mia were so excited and although I was the instigator, I felt pretty guilty for a minute or two. After I ate one taco my body was very angry with me so I put the other one on hold indefinitely. Anywho, anyone who has give in to temptation once can tell you that it's a slippery slope and so easy to tell yourself that you failed once so you may as well do it again. I've been fighting the urge so hard, I just want to get a coffee, I almost did it so many times in the last couple of days, I had money in hand and was on my way, but I fought myself off. My little devil keeps telling me, "you've had a really bad couple of days, you deserve the comfort coffee." but my angel keeps telling me, "don't do it, it's not worth it and it's not going to be so much better than what you make at home that it's worth giving in." The angel is right, but that devil is soooo convincing. I think I'm very much like any recovering addict, I really do have to take it one day at a time. If I look too far into the future it's easy to slip in the present. We're going to Spokane for Valentine's day (nothing is more romantic than mooching off your in laws. Kim L., you better make sure you have the flank steak marinade ready!) and that will be a big test of my willpower, it will be really easy to think that we're on vacation so I can buy coffee whenever I want it. The good news is that Pa Lewis is going to be riding our butts to make sure we're not spending a dime on things we should be getting (thanks Rich).

So the moral of the story is.... even though I can see the humor of our choice to be responsible for a year (hopefully longer), I have also discovered that I'm stronger than I thought and that I did indeed have a serious shopping/coffee addiction. The kids have adjusted so well, I thought it was going to be a fight to the death with them and Greg is go with the flow, even though he's fighting his own fast food demons. We've also spent more quality time with the kids sitting down together for dinner every day and playing games for entertainment instead of going to a movie or out to dinner or wasting money some other way. We're forming a plan to go to Hawaii for Christmas in 2010 which means that we will have to live this way for two years so we can pay cash for the trip. My sister Wendy was very correct when she told me that it makes things easier for the kids when you have a goal you're working toward, the kids are, at least Emma is, very excited at the prospect of Hawaii for a week so she's all for saving.

That's my reality check for today, I needed to clear the air and get back on track. My next entry will be humorous, I promise. Have a good day and try to save a dollar or two.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


You know how you see those movies that are set to be one day in the life of the character (s) like 'Friday' or 'Super Bad'? (sorry about the punctuation) I've always thought it was a little ridiculous, the days last FOREVER. I had one of those days today. I was up at 5:15am, cleaned (read, hid the dishes in sink under a pan) the kitchen and straightened the play room in anticipation of Noah's arrival. It was snowing like crazy, so I had to gather all the snow gear, make lunch for K-Ry, make breakfast for Noah, wake up K, make breakfast for her and get her ready to go. Then I woke up Mia, got her fed and dressed, made some nasty coffee (ran out of milk), took a shower and did my seriously F-ed up hair while getting K out the door to catch the bus. Sat on the rocking chair on the porch while waiting for the bus (which was way late) and put Mia's shoes on her. By 8:30 the bus had finally come and it was time to gather Noah and Mia (who were both going hyper hypo about the snow) and put them in the car. Had to get Annabelle in her crate, grab my coffee, grab the backpacks, purse and gloves/hats and out the door. Got Mia to school right on time, Papa (my dad) was there to meet her for Donuts with Dads day (thank you Papa). OK, stay with me people, here's where it gets good...after we took Mia to class Noah and I thought it would be cool to spell our names in the snow on the sidewalk. I was doing this with my toe and started slipping and going into a splits type stance. I recovered with minimal pain and embarrassment then we went to the car. Parking lots are notoriously slick in the snow, especially when there is practically no traffic in it (do you see where this is going?). I was driving Greg's new car and we were on our way. I noticed that the car seemed to be sliding to the side, but thought maybe it was my imagination. No, it was not. As we were exiting the parking lot, I lost control of the car and that sucker slid right into the curb and a light post. It sounded like I had totaled the front passenger side of the car and poor Noah almost wet his pants. Noah is waaaay too smart for his own good and starts asking me if I crashed Greg's car over and over again. I say "no honey, we just bumped the curb", I was really sure that I was lying to Noah so he wouldn't tell on me. I didn't check the car because I had to get Noah to school and that was my priority (at least that's what I told Greg). I finally checked the car at the school and to my relief it seemed to be fine, but we haven't had a chance to really examine it.

By this time it was 9:25 and I was going to the hair salon to give that hussy a piece of my mind, but I was going to go home first to get the heavy van with traction control. On the way I may or may not have slid sideways a few times, I'm not telling. I was really practicing my speech to the salon mafia and I was not going to take no for an answer. I was mad and I wasn't going to stand for any nonsense. I got to the salon and threw open the door (picture me with crooked hair looking like Emo Phillips from the 80's, yes, it's that bad! snow flurring around me and a seriously pissed off look on my face). I walked up to the counter and looked the girl square in the eye and I said....."Ehem, um hi, yeah, well, um, I was in here last night and had my hair done? Well, I hate to bother you, but, um, well yes, ehem, you can see how uneven it is and I think that I may be less than thrilled with it, if that's OK with you? Yeah, it's about 10 inches shorter than I wanted and I think it's uneven, do you think that too? Um, if it's not too much trouble I kinda would like my money back? I mean, if that's OK with you. I hate to be a bother, but I just really think this haircut might be a mistake?" the girls looked at my hair and asked me if I would let them fix it because it was very uneven. WTF? Like I wanted them to touch my hair again? So I smiled (not showing any teeth so it was totally fake, BURN!) and I said "ummmm, well, you see, I'm scared to let you cut it because it might just get too short? I mean, if you want to try, OK, yeah, alright, sure, let's try." I was really giving them the what for, if you know what I mean. This was me, " it's all my fault, I should have stopped her from cutting so short, I mean, I thought she was cutting an awful lot? Yeah, so um, Ok. I really hate to be a bother? I normally would just suck it up and live with it, but I'm really just so disappointed with the cut, if that's OK with you?" I was so tough on her I thought she would cry, I really am a hard ass. So if any of you need a tough cookie to stand up for you, I think it goes without saying that I'm your woman. I find the "one time, at band camp?" form of speech works wonders. I walked out of there with an evened out cut and a gift certificate for the next time I want to try my luck at their fine salon. Helicopter to the YES, I was victorious. My day went on to be a whirlwind of crazy activity and I didn't even get my planned nap in! So my Tuesday was NUTS, but the moral of the story is that I saved $25 and got a free haircut. OK, so I have to look like Emo for a few months, but it was FREE, much easier to swallow having to look redonculous when you didn't have to pay for it, plus I can take the kids there to get their hair done with the gift cert. Ohh, stand back y'all, I'm on FIRE today!

It's real bad y'all

Last night I had a horrible experience (yes, waaaay worse than puking at the gym), I had my hair murdered by the butcher of Vancouver. I went in with shoulder length hair and I now have a practically pixie cut with uneven sides! First of all I would like to apologize for the amount of swearing I did while speaking to my mom, Mom, I'm sorry. Greg, thanks for meeting me at the door with a stiff drink and kind words. Not only did the beast cut off all my hair and F up my bangs so ridiculously that it looks like Mia cut my hair, but she also sheared off the skin at the nape of my neck with her Ghetto clippers so now I have a big strip of raw skin and I can't put my head back to howl at the misjustice because my neck freakin' HURTS! Yeah, I did say CLIPPERS!!! It's all my fault thought, I didn't go to my regular woman (sorry for cheating Juana) AND I was trying to save money by using a coupon. Oh the horror of my own money saving plan blowing up in my face, I should have listened to Sharon who told me "don't use coupons for items you would never normally use" or services I wouldn't get. Don't look at me, I'm hideous. I have to go back to the place (no, it's not Supercuts Rebecca) and demand my money back. I was so shocked last night that I paid the fool, but it's so lopsided that I don't think the manager will have a problem seeing the issue I have with the cut, aside from it's being about 10 inches shorter than I wanted in the back. I have roughly the same cut as Kayleigh, short in the back and longer on the sides (not what I was going for), but the cut is so bad that the left side hangs a good inch longer than the right, plus there are random long hairs in the back too. Oh lady luck, why did you choose to leave me in the hair salon???!!!! To add insult to injury I had to bowl last night and everyone was just staring at the travisty that is my hair, except for Beck and Sherri who listened to my tale of woe and told me to march back there and demand that they fix it AND give me my money back. I'm scared to have it fixed because then I'll really have no hair. I'm seriously thinking that shaving it and starting over might not be a bad idea, not even I can rock a bad haircut with panache.

Thanks for being there friends, I'm going to have Greg take a picture of me tonight and I'll post it so you can all see my new look. Talk to you later.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm back, and do I have a story for you!!!

Some of you have asked me why it's been a week since my last blog post, well my darling friends, let me tell you (in all honesty), I couldn't even lift my arms for three days. Yeah, Sven murderized my arms so badly that I LITERALLY could not even bend those suckers. I had to sleep in my bra one night because I couldn't unsnap it!!! You have never been so humbled as you are when you have to ask your 11 year old daughter to help you take your bra off and to help put it on (sorry Emma, yes, mommy will pay for therapy when you're older). I'm not talking your average soreness, I felt like I had major surgery on my arms and I spent two days sitting on the recliner crying off and on. The only thing that saved me from gorging on pain healing foods like pizza and ice cream, etc. was the fact that I couldn't bend my arms far enough to shove food in my pie hole more that I absolutely needed to for sustaining my pathetic (at that time) life. So I guess I owe it to Sven for helping me to lose that pound last week. Man, that was some painful pain. OK, so now I'm back and badder than ever! After what I'm about to tell you, I think I should officially change this Blog from just a money saving life experiment to a place where I will tell you all the gory details of saving money AND my gym going experiences, because I think there will be many an entertaining tale to be told.

On to the big story of the day..... the other day I was looking at the Biggest Loser website and saw that they were taking applications and I thought I might be a good candidate. Then I thought to myself "Fabulous" (that's what I call myself) "Fabulous, you would RULE these fatty's, you could be the Queen of the fat people!" Then I sat there and pondered how well I would do during the horrendous work out sessions and I though that maybe I wouldn't do so well since I'm a bit of a whiner. Then I saw a commercial where the trainer was yelling at a woman who said she couldn't do anymore and he said "YES YOU CAN, JUST DO IT!!". I don't do very well with people yelling at me but if it's for health maybe I can deal with it. So today I had a session with Sven and I vowed to suck it up and just tough it out to see if I can put mind over matter. Today was leg day and I was all cocky (before it began), I did my 20 minutes on the treadmill, I even had it up to 3.0 in speed and 1.5 on the incline (after all, I was only going on a forest trek, not climbing mountains). I did my time and trotted downstairs to meet Sven and start my work out. He quickly took my challenge to not whine and to push through the fatigue as a challenge and he kept adding weight to the machines. I did squats, I did thigh pushy upy things, I did glute lifts and I was AWESOME. Ladies and gentlemen, I worked through the pain and fatigue and I only swore a couple of times! I also noticed that my face was turning a very unusual shade of purplish red and my head was a little dizzy what with my heart pounding so hard you could see it through my shirt. So I was being all AWESOME and panting and heaving in a very attractive manner (everything I do is attractive people!). Then it was the last ten minutes of the work out and Sven asked me to lie on my back and put my feet on top of the yoga ball and lift my hips in an upward humping motion. Who doesn't want to put that sort of image out there on a find Monday morning? Weeeeeeellllll, my head started to spin and my stomach started doing the cha cha (not good). I told Sven that I thought I needed a break and he looked scared (don't know why, doesn't everyone turn greenish, purplish red during a work out?). Then I told Sven that I had to visit the bathroom (but I think I said it in a way more desperate and panicked tone of voice). I got to the bathroom and the damn new fangled gym didn't put the toilets in a convenient place, I seriously could NOT find them!!!!! I ran around (the first time I've run in years) the locker room squealing "where are the flippin' TOILETS?????" and a wonderful woman said, "they're through that door". Phew, right? WRONG!!! The most stupid of stupid of gym designers decided that their toilets are apparently sooooo precious that they need to put them behind a LOCKED door where you have to stop and calmly punch in a pin number to get through. WTF y'all? They had the stupid code posted on the wall so what the helicopter is the point of locking the door if you're giving EVERYONE the key?????!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to calm down, punch in 111 (that's the code in case you're ever in the Cascade Park LA Fitness and have to pee) and I barely made it to the toilet before I hurled all over the darn place!!!!!!!! Yeah, I totally PUKED like I was on a trip to Las Vegas with Sharon, Kim and Natalie and I had the stomach flu! Now I really am like those Biggest Loser folks who throw up during a work out. I was so loud that there were three women who were staring at me when I cam out (can you say embarrassing?), so now I'm the only fat bulimic in town! To top it all off I had to go back and face Sven who knew I totally just puked and I had to tell him that I'm a big wuss and had to stop for the day. He felt bad for working me so hard, but it's my fault for not drinking enough water. Now I get to go back and face Sven next week with him always afraid I'm gonna puke again. I'm so awesome. This is all on the heels of my having FLASHED Sven and all the other people in the gym last week when I stupidly wore a V neck shirt with a deep V. My tata's were hanging out for all to see, that was embarassing too!!! I think the gym will be a place of deep humiliation and pain for me, but it's worth it.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Captain's Log, Monday, 1/19/09

I want you to read this just as I am writing it, amid the sad and howling cries of 3 year old Mia yelling at me because I hurt her feelings (after all, I did just say she couldn't eat a whole milk chocolate statue of Santa). Try to imagine the howling in your head and you're right here with me (oh wait, hit yourself in the back with an Amelia Bedelia book and NOW you're right here with me).

So, to recap the past few days that I have failed to update you with my tribulations and triumphs I will start with this: Emma actually told me that she's LOVING living the way we have been. She likes that we don't eat fast food (she's always hated it) and loves eating together as a family. She even said that she likes not buying things she doesn't need. Huh?????? She's been turning down the offers from my Mom to take her shopping and get some cool new clothes. She said she doesn't actually need them so she'll pass. I offered for her to take me, but I'm not as cute as my kids.
Greg was given the gift of Fast Food the other day (paid for by his work since they sent him to watch over a crook in the hospital and didn't let him get his lunch) so he ate the food from Burger King and came home with a stomach ache. When I asked him if his icky stomach was enough to deter him from the fried food his reply was "Of course not, I'm like a heroine junky, it will make me sick, but I'll take it again the next time it's offered". Oh well, at least it didn't come out of our bank account and that's what's important.
I started working out with a trainer (on a regular basis) and I'm in muy, muy painful pain. Today I trained with Brandon (I wish his name was Derk or something really cool like that), let's just call him Sven from now on shall we? Yes, we shall. So I sweated so hard that we have a new lake here in Vancouver. Then I thought to myself "self, you have worked so hard over these last five or so days, you deserve the joy of a free coffee." So I went to Dutch Bros. where I have two, count 'em, TWO free punch card coffees coming to me. So I chose the double calorie fatspresso and drove on my merry way. I intended to eat lunch when I got home but then I went a little crazy clipping coupons (yeah, I'm that woman now) and forgot to eat. I spied a $9 inflatable exercise ball at Target that I HAD to have (bought it with my babysitting $$$), Sven taught me some exercises I can do at home with this handy, dandy ball. So we went to Target, via the Spa store where we HAD to buy some hot tub chemicals (we also scored some free popcorn and soda there, thank you Arctic Spas!). Now, by this time the free soda and popcorn had my belly a rumblin' and I spied and smelled some delicious TGI Fridays. I swear to the good Lord above that I was going to stop and get some vittles. I told Greg, "this is IT, I need food and we're gonna just stop". Then I remembered that Emma was at home and she would give me the lecture of my life and that evil, "I'm so disappointed in you" look that I always give her when she's behaving badly, so I didn't stop. I can't have an 11 year old showing more self control than I do. Boy was it hard, I WAAAANTED so bad, then to top it off we were in TARGET, the den of Satan himself. I forgot how lovely and desirable all the outdoor furniture is, I still want my back yard to look like a Bahamian paradise. Stop biting your nails y'all, we only bought the $9 ball, two $1 shower puff scrubby things and a $.99 binder (for my coupons). Oh, I forgot that I did splurge on a tin of mints. All this for only $14 and change.

Oh, I totally forgot to tell you that we had our first "dinner party" the other night. We had fajitas (ole`) and it was good. Then I proceeded to beat the pants off (no not really, it wasn't THAT kind of party you filthy minded people) of anyone who dared to challenge me at Sing Star. Hello Adam and Emily, yes, I'm talking 'bout YOU! I know how to make a good almost first impression after 10 years of not seeing these friends. So if anyone dares to challenge me, the Sing Star Empress, I welcome you to my home. I don't claim to have a good voice in any way, shape or form, I'm pretty sure you all know I can barely carry a tune, but I have what it takes to win. Being "poor" is pretty fun.

Now in conclusion, I would like to reprimand you all, not one of you told me how my eyes are like pools of mossy water. Nobody even patted me on my cyber back, even after my shameless pleas for cudos. I guess I know how much you all really care now. It's OK, I'm just going to continue to use bad grammar and punctuation just to drive those of you who care enough to notice, crazy.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

And the new Devil is......

Greg is the new Devil. You may be asking "Why is such a wonderful man the new Devil?", well let me tell you. We went to the gym yesterday (yes, as a matter of fact those WERE pigs you saw flying out of your behind) and Greg made me hurt. It all started off nicely, I was on the treadmill strolling through the "forest", watching CNN (a girl I went to high school with is an anchor on that channel, yay Stephanie Elam!) when they had a special report on the Biggest Loser TV show. They showed a clip of some very large people speed walking on the treadmill, it put my leisurely stroll to shame, so I decided that I had to speed up just so I didn't look bad to all the skinny women who were RUNNING and watching the report as well. Well, I put it a little too fast so I was a huffin' and a puffin' for 30 minutes when Greg was ready to move downstairs to pump us up. It was agreed that it would be bicep day and it was good. I was taking my guns to the gun show on the first machine (I did a whole 20 pounds!), then we moved to the next machine, some curls, pretty good THEN it happened! The standing curl thingy that made my arms scream and me want to cry. I felt like my arms were missing pieces that were vitally needed to pull up those heavy weights and I almost burst a vessel in my head. So today my arms are very hateful toward me and begging me to just let them die in peace without having to pick anything up.
Now, I just have to add that we actually didn't waste our gym membership this month, we're going and I even have an appointment with a trainer tomorrow (it's already paid for). Hurray for us not wasting money.

I was watching a little TV last night when a woman on the channel told me that I NEED to get the Magic Bullet blender, it would change my life. Does that count as a need? She is an expert, you should have seen her making omelets and French toast, smoothies and margaritas, the options really were endless. If it would change my life, isn't than an automatic freebie to buy? I've noticed that a lot more people on TV are telling me that I need things, like have you even seen that Sham WOW!? I mean really, what household doesn't need that? I can even use it on a boat, so if I had it you might just find me on my neighbors boat in the middle of the night cleaning up any spills he might have made during the day when he was cruising around and not inviting us to join him (selfish!). I'm a good neighbor like that.

I do have one question, in November I went to the perfect Bryan Adams concert (Hi Bryan, I love you in a non-sexual way!) and Greg took one of the posters for me. I would really like to have it framed because I almost had him sign it (missed him by two seconds) and it's soooo awesome. Is that a need, because I don't want it to get ruined. Should I wait until my birthday (which is August 9th, wink, wink) to get it framed properly with my $100 or can I get a $25 frame from Michaels today? OOOOHHHHHH WAIT, I just remembered that I'm going to be doing a little extra babysitting on Saturday so I'll get paid in a Michaels gift card. WOOOOHOOO, I'm so glad you're here for me to talk to, you always have such great ideas.

OK, I have to go, sorry it wasn't too interesting this time, I'm going to the mall today (to go to the library) so I should have a good story for tomorrow's BLOG.



Hi all, sorry it's been a few days since my last post, but I was very tired. It was a very busy first week back at school, getting used to the crazy schedule again was very exhausting. ALSO, I was getting over a very terrible cold, wah, wah, whiney, wah.

So down to business now; I just have to say that I had a very deflating thought the other night. I was all bragy and smart alecky about how well we're doing and then I said to myself, "self, you're so lame, it's only day 10!" then I sat down and cried (not really because I'm a heartless shrew with no tear ducts). Man, it seems like so much longer than only 13 days now, this is a lot of work! I'm beginning to think that those of you who voted that we'll only make it four months may be right (this is the part where you all make lots of comments with encouraging words about how inspiring, funny and don't forget beautiful I am. Mention how my eyes sparkle like pools of green mossy water, that's so romantical). Yeah, so I'm begging shamelessly for support, it's not like that's the first time people.

We went bowling last night, because that's how we roll, and it was fun, yet difficult. I wanted fries, NOW. The poor kids are used to getting a kids meal whenever we go and although I fed them before we left, they're like Pavlovian dogs, as soon as they got there they were hungry. I packed a huge tub of popcorn and some drinks for them, but poor Mia just didn't understand why she couldn't have what she wanted. In the end she survived, but it was not easy.As soon as the bowling massacre was over (I sucked major eggs, my one old lady foot was hurting me) we came home and baked up some tater fries, and it was good.

No I'm going to confess something to you all: We took the kids out for breakfast on Sunday. Before you lay down your wrath of judgment upon us I would like the chance to explain. On Sunday the girls had their postponed performance of the Christmas pageant and it was soooo GREAT!!! Mia was a cow in the manger, Kayleigh was an angel and Emma was apparently going for the pre-teen, I'm too cool for this so I'll refuse to wear a costume and stand out like a sore thumb with my street clothes and pink hair (yes, she has pink hair. I'll post a pic later) while I pretend to barely mumble the words, member of the chior. So when I was a young lass my parents would take us out for a celebration meal whenever we would perform and I wanted to do the same thing for my children. We took Nonnie to Elmers (kinda like the Country Inn for you California readers) for a wonderful meal. That, my fair readers, is why we broke our vow for one morning and treated the family to a meal outside the house.

My next order of business is this: I know you're all on the edge of your seats to see if I got the espresso machine and the answer is YEEEESSSSSSSSSS! It's nothing fancy, but it makes my morning so much better. Like this morning, I had to wake up at 5:30AM to let my little friend Noah in (I watch him on Tuesdays) and it was soooo dark and cold and icky, then I remembered that I have a machine to make my happy morning juice and I was happy. As I type I have my travel mug filled with the stuff. The sad part of the story is that I still have to work a couple more hours to pay the thing off. Why is it that even a ghetto machine was $50???? Oh well, it's worth every penny and I definitely appreciate it more than I would have if I had bought it before.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm back!

Hiya all, sorry it's been a few days since my last post, but I was very tired. It was a very busy first week back at school, getting used to the crazy schedule again was very exhausting. ALSO, I was getting over a very terrible cold, wah, wah, whiney, wah.

So down to business now; I just have to say that I had a very deflating thought the other night. I was all bragy and smart alecky about how well we're doing and then I said to myself, "self, you're so lame, it's only day 10!" then I sat down and cried (not really because I'm a heartless shrew with no tear ducts). Man, it seems like so much longer than only 13 days now, this is a lot of work! I'm beginning to think that those of you who voted that we'll only make it four months may be right (this is the part where you all make lots of comments with encouraging words about how inspiring, funny and don't forget beautiful I am. Mention how my eyes sparkle like pools of green mossy water, that's so romantical). Yeah, so I'm begging shamelessly for support, it's not like that's the first time people.

We went bowling last night, because that's how we roll, and it was fun, yet difficult. I wanted fries, NOW. The poor kids are used to getting a kids meal whenever we go and although I fed them before we left, they're like Pavlovian dogs, as soon as they got there they were hungry. I packed a huge tub of popcorn and some drinks for them, but poor Mia just didn't understand why she couldn't have what she wanted. In the end she survived, but it was not easy.As soon as the bowl athon was over (I sucked major eggs, my one old lady foot was hurting me) we came home and baked up some tater fries, and it was good.

No I'm going to confess something to you all: We took the kids out for breakfast. Before you lay down your wrath of judgement upon us I would like the chance to explain. On Sunday the girls had their postponed performance of the Christmas pageant and it was soooo GREAT!!! Mia was a cow in the manger, Kayleigh was an angel and Emma was apparently going for the pre-teen, I'm too cool for this so I'll refuse to wear a costume and stand out like a sore thumb with my street clothes and pink hair (yes, she has pink hair. I'll post a pic later) while I pretend to barely mumble the words, member of the chior. So when I was a young lass my parents would take us out for a celebration meal whenever we would perform and I wanted to do the same thing for my children. We took Nonnie to Elmers (kinda like the Country Inn for your California readers) for a wonderful meal. That, my fair readers, is why we broke our vow for one morning and treated the family to a meal outside the house.

My next order of business is this: I know you're all on the edge of your seats to see if I got the espresso machine and the answer is YEEEESSSSSSSSSS! It's nothing fancy, but it makes my morning so much better. Like this morning, I had to wake up at 5:30AM to let my little friend Noah in (I watch him on Tuesdays) and it was soooo dark and cold and icky, then I remembered that I have a machine to make my happy morning juice and I was happy. As I type I have my travel mug filled with the stuff. The sad part of the story is that I still have to work a couple more hours to pay the thing off. Why is it that even a ghetto machine was $50???? Oh well, it's worth every penny and I definitely appreciate it more than I would have if I had bought it before.

Friday, January 9, 2009 old friend and new FO

The day started out as any other, normal day. I went to my mom's house to offer my vast labor experience for a $30 espresso machine. When I got there everything seemed normal, dad was eating breakfast (don't think I didn't notice that you hadn't brewed a pot of coffee in anticipation of my arrival DAD!), mom was watching TV and Mia was at school. I sat down to chit chat and mom said to me "I need to go to Target to get more containers". I quickly searched the ads in the paper and saw that BiMart had their containers at a better price than Target and quickly pointed this out. BiMart is a ghetto store that has everything from Hunting guns & gear to paint, baby stuff and some canned goods, it's good for lots of things, but I'm never really tempted there, I just get what I came for and leave. But NOOOOOOO, mom wants to go to Target because they had some soap she wanted. GREAT! We stopped at Starbucks on the way and I got a FREEEEEE new Tea Latte that they had a coupon for in the paper (I have three of these wonderful free coupons, thank you Starbucks!), so things were looking good. I was sipping my delicious free freebie and life was good. Purses were up first and I was strong and occupied with my drink. Accessories next, still good (I was wearing my fabulous new earrings from Santa), clothes-pass, etc. UNTIL...Outdoor home furniture. I WAAAAANT; I WANT, I WANT, I WANT SO FLIPPIN' BAD!!! I told my mom that I couldn't go into that area and she said (and I'm paraphrasing) "too bad, I'm the devil and I will lead you into temptation!" or something like that. Sorry mom, but I heard the bus coming and decided to throw you under it to take the focus off of my greed. Why is everything so CUTE? I want to make my backyard and bathrooms a Bahamian paradise! My head started hurting and I actually started to whine right there in the middle of the aisle. I rolled along chanting "I want, I want..." and pointing at the things that I wanted. It think the only thing I didn't want was the horn (yeah, it looked like a hollowed out bull horn) on a stand. If you go to Target, you'll see it and you won't want it either. If you do want it, well, then, I'm sorry you have bad taste. Although I bet I could fill it with a big drink and forget all about all the stuff I wanted at Target. My mom was a little irritated and rolled her eyes at me, but what the hootinany would SHE know about not buying everything, or even anything that you want? Can I get a witness here friends? (you have to know her to understand. Sorry mom.) So anyway, I strolled through the rest of the visit all twitchy and irritable (my free freebie was gone, darn me for gulping). I ended up digging through my coupon ziploc to get out my handy dandy Electrosol coupon and I got a honkin' huge box of detergent for only $2.50, thank you Sunday paper! I also got some dog ear wipes that were on clearance so Dumb Dog could hear again. Well, she's not dumb, she's actually pretty smart since she mostly ignores what I'm saying and looks at me like I don't speak her language. I would ignore me too. I also picked up toilet paper, but forgot that I had put it in the cart and mom actually ended up buying it. What?! My mind was still on the list of things I wanted! Then the check out lady jokingly called mom's dog a rat and mom (aka the DEVIL) started breathing fire and got into a heated discussion about how her dog is not a rat, he's cute. This went back and forth a few times, mom got all twitchy this time and as we were rolling to the car she lost her full mind. For the record, Wally is NOT a rat, OK? I made her take one of my emergency stress pastilles (a fancy name for jelly candy) that I bought for just this type of situation. This was funny and made me forget (mostly) that I had a mini breakdown in Target and have no plans of entering those doors any time soon. Just like I can't go into a coffee shop and not get a coffee, I'm not ready to go into stores like that yet.

I would like to clarify that when I say I was "rolling" in the above story, I mean that that I was pushing the cart and IT was rolling. I do NOT mean that I laid down on the floor and started rolling around and chanting "I want, I want.." etc. I may be strange sometimes (like Kim and Sharon pushing me in a shopping cart through downtown San Jose,then crashing me into the curb so the whole darn thing crashed down on me), but I've grown up a lot and would never dream of making such a public display of craziness in a major chain store. Anymore. Sorry Natalie.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A chink in the armor

NO, I'm not making some sort of racist remark, jeesh, give me some credit will you? OK, so here it is day 8, everything seems to be going relatively smoothly and then WHAMMY, Greg throws me for a loop. Here's the set up: I was going to my mom's house to help her organize her garage so I can earn some money to buy the $30 espresso machine I saw in the paper (stop laughing, no, nobody decided to cough up a free espresso machine from, sheesh, some people can be so stingy!). I got into Greg's car and there, right between the seats in the cup holder is a recently purchased bottle of soda!!! You may be thinking, "Big deal, it's one bottle of soda", but here's MY thought process behind this. By the way, I'm sure Greg thinks I'm an insane Nazi now, but darn it, at least I'm expressing myself. OK, my way of thinking........: If I'm providing cases of said soda at home, and he has complete access to them and YES there are still cans available and he forgets to bring one or two of them for his ride to/from work, then does that give him the right to spend $1.19 on a bottle to tide him over. Hells NO people! I say, poo poo to you Mr. Forgetty pants. If IIIIIII were to forget to bring my coffee with me (which I haven't done yet), does that give me the right to stop and get a coffee? Of course it does not. So his defense was, and I quote "but I thought if I bought it at the grocery store then it was OK." HUH? Ummm, that's NOT the deal buddy, because my local Albertson's, Fred Meyer, QFC and Safeway ALL have coffee shops in them so would I technically be able to stop at the grocery store and get a coffee? Nuh, uh my friends. THEN he said "I thought the whole point was that we were only getting things that were necessary and saving money." WTF?????!!! OK, I have to admit that I was startled at this because I feel that this statement more proves MY argument than his that I stopped and stared a little dazed because my feeble mind couldn't process anything smart to say. So I said "Well, I don't drink soda so it's not necessary for ME!" then I laughed so he though I was kidding (I only kinda was). I swiftly retreated to my Mommy's house to form my rebuttal and undo his voodoo spell on my mind. So if it's once a month or so then it's not a big deal, but if I don't (Mom, would you stop calling me so I can finish this darn post??!!), sorry about that, if I don't raise a ruckus about this then will he start to slip and think it's OK so stop whenever he feels like it and where will it end? I know it's only $1, but it all adds up. PLUS, I already tried using the old "If I buy hair color at the grocery store would that technically be considered a grocery item?" and after he stopped laughing, he told me no. So maybe I'm still smarting from that, but I'm standing my ground here. If we already have it then it's NOT necessary and you are spending our future financial stability one dollar at a time buddy!

Yeah, that felt good. So on to more interesting things. I know you're all dying to hear about how the calming drops are working. Well, it's a total success so far. I know it's only been three days, but I have not raised my voice one time since I started using the magic spray and maybe it's all a placebo, but if it helps then I'll keep taking it. I feel totally relaxed and in control (for once). I know I bought the special drops for Kayleigh, but now I'm like a mad scientist giving it to all the kids in their juice, under their arms, around their necks (yeah, I'm totally exaggerating). Emma is actually asking for the stress reliever because it's helping her to be more mellow, Kayleigh actually gave in and tried the chicken I made for dinner last night and didn't blow a gasket, even though she totally would have otherwise. Mia has been good too, although he teacher said she wasn't a very good listener today, maybe the catnip in the drops is making her too spaced out. I suppose when she's a 16 year old pot head I only have myself to blame. But at least she'll be mellow (hahahahaaaaaaaaaaa). I even had all the girls in bed by 8:15, they were reading and being quiet until Greg and I got out of the hottub at 9:00 then they patiently waited until I sang them their lullaby. Whose kids are they? I don't know, but now I actually want to keep them! Greg's still stressing, but that's because he hasn't been taking the stuff regularly, or it could be that his body is screaming at him for not eating too much salt or fried food every day and he's slowly going into a healthy lifestyle shock. Kayleigh hasn't even asked for McDonalds since Saturday and Emma is actually offering to use her own money to buy the things she wants!

Day 8 is good.

Although....wait until I do my post on my Target experience, I'm still trying to collect my thoughts and control my emotions before I try to write about that. My only peek into it is that I ended up only spending $8 on dog ear wipes and dishwasher detergent.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shout out to my peeps!

I would like to give a special shout out to my sisters (Kim & Wendy) who gave very sound and sage advice for dealing with the whole Emma & Greg situation. I give you props for seeing my side of things (tee hee). A major shout out goes to my mom who was kind hearted enough to bring me a mocha this morning!! Oh yeah, I said it, a LARGE chain coffee shop coffee passed my parched lips. Did I love it? I don't remember the first sip, I think I passed out from the ecstasy, but the other two gulps were pure heaven. THEN, oh yeah there's more, mom & dad took us out for breakfast!!! Today is too much to handle, I have tears as I type. I always did appreciate when they've taken us out to eat, but this is more enchanced by our no eating out policy. I guess they made up for me being on my death bed for the past two days.

I also want to thank all of you who have emailed and also just read this oh so funny blog. NOW, here's where the kiss fest ends: What the HELICOPTER y'all? Only one of you, our cherished and beloved friends and family, thinks that we'll last longer than 6 months???!!!! I guess I shouldn't be too judgy seeing as you're just going off of our track record (yes, we're still fat after our vow to work out at least 3 times a week) and our many other solemn vows that have been broken. This time is different though, this time I'm inspired to smash all your faces in our winning finances at the end of the year (that is, all except for the one beautiful person who had faith in us). Revenge is the best inspiration and I'm really itching to "nyah, nyah, nayh, " in all your faces. Ok, with that said, if we don't succeed, this blog is never to be spoken of in our presence, we will DENY, DENY, DENY!

Soooo, how's day number six you ask? Well, I have good news and bad news... The bad news is that we went to Whole Foods and spent $100 on homeopathic supplements to help calm Kayleigh's anxiety disorder and a little something something for my stress as well. Greg couldn't be left out so he got some fish oil pills (NASTY!) to help ease what ails his mind (mostly sorrow from not having fast food. I'm thinking that Wendy's was his mistress that he loved only slightly less than me). I know, I know, you're thinking, 'was it a need?' Let me just tell you folks, for those of you who have experienced a Kayleigh tantrum, it has been 20x worse since we changed her life. Last night I thought Greg was going to throw her out the second story windw. So, yes, they are definitely a need. Ok, so that was the bad news, the good news is that we actually HAD the $100 in our account to spend on these three (yikes) items. In our past life we wouldn't have had the money and would have had to put in on credit. Yeah, we RULE!~

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Am I just being mean?

Hiya, this has to be fast, so I'll just lay it all out. I have two questions for you:

1.) Emma has a membership to StarDoll (an online cyber doll website) and it costs $5.99/month. I'm thinking that she doesn't NEED it, but is it cruel for me to just take it away? Do I make her pay for it with her own money that she gets for doing chores at Nonnie's and for her b-day and stuff? Am I just being picky because if I have to give up my favorite thing she should too? Help me out here folks, give me your feedback and point me in the right direction.

2.) Greg wanted to get a new uniform for work...his work provides perfectly good uniforms to him for free, but he wants one that his friend has that is a little sturdier. He has been working fine for 10 years in the uniforms that the county provides, but now he wants this "new and improved" model that costs $85. I said "Helicopter to the NO my friend!", but now I think, "am I being unreasonable?". I think it's a want, not a need, but does it count if it's for work? If not, then MY uniform for looking good taking the kids to dance class consists of a new designer purse, new shoes and a new hair color that makes my complexion glow.

See what I mean here? I think we are so caught up in THINKING that we NEED something that we don't really know what we do actually need, beyond the obvious. We're keeping the BlockBuster membership because we won't be doing movies at the theater, but if I'm being a stickler, is that truly a need (oh heck YES, my children drive me nuts so I need an escape!). I'm hoping that we start to be more realistic with our actual needs and stop trying to justify our wants into being needs. I don't want to take everything away so we're suffering, but I'm thinking that we can be more strick. I'm also thinking that I'll be doing at lot more drinking in this year that I have since college, but I have to be careful with the alcohol supply because that's a want, not a need. Well, I guess if I'm living up to the Lewis standards, the alcohol is actually a need. So if I show up on your doorstep in the early twilight with my handy dandy siver thermose, you know that as well as just wanting to see how you are, I'm hoping that you'll slip a little shot of something in my sad, non corporate chain coffee shop coffee.

On a parting note, today Kayleigh wanted to go to McDonalds after her swim lession. I told her we couldn't and her immediate response was "I HATE THIS FAMILY!" for some reason I don't think she's going to adjust very quickly. She has the same fast food addiction that Greg has, maybe I'll lock them in a room together and they can start their own support group. Apparently I suck and I'm trying to make my children poke their brains out (this is all according to Kayleigh). It's funny how she knows me so well after only six years, MUWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day One relived

Coffee, how I love thee, we shall be together again darling, don't you worry. Until we are united I will think fondly of you, obsessively, every minute, every time I drive by a coffee shop, every time I leave my house. Even when I'm drinking coffee I made myself I will pine for the day I can drive through a sacred house of beans and have an adorably cute and insufferably perky young girl ask me if I want whipped cream on my non-fat mocha (no, I do not). Mmmmm, I likee coffee. Yesterday was tough for me, it was the first day of our self imposed vow of poverty and although I'm really excited for this experience, I had a really hard time with the no coffee thing. It is more of a habit than a need, but it's definitely a want. I'm going to pick up some espresso beans at the grocery store today so hopefully that will help curb the desire for store bought drinks. I've been using folgers (I KNOW, jeesh, will you all just stop laughing at me? It was left over from an event we had and who am I to turn down a whole can of free coffee?) anyway, I've been using regular coffee to try to make my home grown mocha, it's definitely not the same. I'm going to go on later to see if anyone is giving away an espresso machine (it could happen!). Greg had it easy, he came home in the morning, went to bed and slep until it was time to go to work again, so there was no temptation there. Hopefully today he'll feel some pain so I can point and laugh at him.

Well, that's it, nothing too eventful, once school and the kids' activities start up again, I'm sure I'll be crying because I like that coffee on the go. Who can watch ballet, tap, jazz and hip hop four times a week without a little java chaser? Thank you Scott and Janine for the thermose you gave Greg seven or so years ago, that is going to be my new besty, it's not going to leave my side and will be filled with my sanity juice.

Here we gooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

For those of you who haven't heard of the "Lewis family insanity experiment", I'm gonna break it down for you one time:
We, the Lewis family, are sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck! Especially since Greg makes enough money for us to live comfortably; we aren't extravagant people (although we are fabulous), so where the HELICOPTER does all the money go????? So our vow for the next year is to live way within, or below our means. Translation: we are not going to spend one dime of our income on anything that is not absolutely necessary.
Those of you who know me, know that I am a major coffee addict, as well as shopping lover and purse buyer extrordinaire (did I really just say in the previous paragraph that I don't know where the money goes?!) so I am going cold turkey on all of those things. If I wants me some coffee, I gots to make it at home. I have enough purses to accessorize a small gathering of very fashionable women, so I can just rotate those puppies. Shopping will just be a Zen exercise in self control that will probably end with tears and a bad case of the shakes (like most addicts get when detoxing). My three adorable children (hahahahahaaaa) have not really grasped the concept yet since Santa just came and gave them everything they need to keep them happy for at least one more week. Once that time is up, they will be hit with the reality that they will not be getting any new toys during this year. If they want to get something new then they have to sell some of their old toys that they don't use to earn the money to buy the new item. They also have the option of doing work for Nonnie (my mom) to earn the thing they want, but they actually have to work for it and it's not going to be an available option all the time. If they need clothes we will get it for them, but other than that, if it's just a want they will have to do without.
Now I think it will hit Greg the hardest, he has a major fast food addiction (and it's not like I can replicate that at home easily, like my coffee problem). We won't be spending any money on fast food and will be only going out to eat every now and again for a special occasion ( we can go on dates every few months, but we can't spend more than $50). So when Greg starts his new shift and is on the road all day he's going to have to bring his cooler of food with him instead of stopping.
I don't want anyone to take pitty on us, it's not like we'll be sitting at home crying, we have a Zoo membership, an OMSI (the science museum) membership and a gym membership so we'll have plenty of things to do and now we won't have any excuses not to use them.
So, in conclusion, we are hoping to have most, if not all, of our debt paid off by the end of the year and to have a new idea of what we really need to be happy in life. Plus, I already have a ton of things in the house that I'm looking forward to selling throughout the year so I can color my hair (can you believe that Greg things my hair coloring in not a necessity? That, my friends, is INSANITY!!!!!) and my house will finally be uncluttered and tidy! Yay team. Oh, one last thing, we will be bartering as one option to get things we want, so if anyone has a child that needs to be watched, a stereo that needs hooking up or something that we can do for you in exchange for a coffee card or something like that (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), we're at your service.
Please check back here often, I'll be blogging at least once a week to whine and complain and generally suck the joy out of your day, but I promise to do it with panache and humor and extreme honesty. And if my blog breath smells like coffee, I swear I made it myself, at my house, it's not from Dutch Brothers (yum), unless I bartered for it (again, wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Thanks for reading!